All Things Classical

I don’t care about “high res” but I don’t like sad robot noises so no lossy crap like youtube, and I need the files that I can put on the player (flac, ape, wav…) sorry if I wasn’t clear about that. bandcamp works well but it’s scattered across different musicians and hard to organize.

No experience w. bandcamp, etc. sorry.
Perhaps others here can help you…(us :smile:)

Have you tried Qobuz download store?

Nope, gonna check it out, looks promising.

Just saw this today from Qobuz

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I heard qobuz on a friends account…imo best quality I have heard. Can’t get right now cause I have a chromebook (for now!)
and they don’t do linux…I tried various approaches w. them helping but no go. (cbook is also downsampling my Primephonic to 48!) Looking for a Simple solution. Plan to ask the computer thread crowd.

John williams boston pops orchestra vol.2


@Flaculence Also Deutsche Grammophone has been releasing singles teasers of Williams with the Vienna Phil.
Some videos on yt as well. Apparently the whole album and other “digital formats” (read blu ray and streaming) will be out
Aug. 14. Should be a classic…like the Tony Bennett/Gaga and
Bennett/Krall. These giants won’t be around too much longer.
PS the Imperial March is VERY good. Story is the orchestra’s
brass section asked him if they could add it at the end.


Thanks for the heads-up!

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Deutsche Grammophone Sundae at noon CDT. Uja Wang…live and some taped. (the x_z button is out.) :upside_down_face:

williams live in vienna deluxe addition, “The album will be released on August 14 in audio and video across CD, vinyl, Blu‑ray video and in digital audio and visual formats in both stereo and Dolby Atmos surround mixes.” Yep, put me down for one.

@Flaculence Me too!! :smile:

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Just started listening to Glenn Gould. I really like his style of his Bach recordings. I am particularly fond of Glenn Gould - Bach:Partitas from Sony Japan 2012.

Any one else have a good Gould recording?

I recentl_ subscribed to Primephonic. Just ckd, the_ have quite a few. Will have to give a listen. I’ve been a Helene Grimaud fan recentl_ Her Bach album is amazing. (I have a certain letter out, as U can see, lol.)
PS welcome to the forum…good folks here and LOTS of info!

Chopin, this guy was insane.


Chopin…one word for me…Elegant!

Love his music though, despite creating one of the hardest piano pieces ever.


DG just released whole album of John Williams concert with the Vienna Philharmonic. Primephonic has it, and Utube has it with some as videos. Local source said blura_ out later. (have a letter out on chromebook,lol.)

I was checking out the latest metal vids when I came across this. Fleshgod Apocalypse bringing you… Mozart.