Are HD600 a good buy in 2020?

Could you explain how it is tuned?


It aims for a bit warmer wider tuning, smoothed over sound, also very slight roll off in the high end, similar to other cavalli designs, every enjoyable. It’s nice if you want to tame something like a 990 or give some extra body to a 600


Interesting…you could buy a more neutral amp and use a LOKI and roll off the high end a bit and have the ability to have both worlds…

Yeah of course, just noting that if someone just wants a warmer amp then that’s an option. Also personally I end up preferring the spark for that kind of sound over a slight eq’d more neutral amp because it’s not exactly the frequency response that it’s messing with


Would rolling something like a hybrid or sheepskin pad on a 6xx warm it up a bit as well? Aside from tubing it? I like the hybrid okay on the 58x, but the sheepskin does too much and ends up muddying upper bass/lower mids, so i mostly stick with the stock pads.

Personally I don’t really like any of the aftermarket pads for senns, not really my thing and I typically just recommend senn stock pads

I would agree with your comment completely. I enjoy the LS more than Loxjie P20, Vali 2 and TA-20. I think it really is the best bang for the buck in amps. Especially for a warm sound. And even more with an open box or a sale.

obviously personal preference but does anyone who has heard both the 650 and 600 think they are different enough to warrant having both? I personally had the 6xx and the 660s and while they sounded different it was not drastic enough for me to keep both. Curious on peoples opinions on the 600 650 pairing

Honestly I do not see them that different overall…one or the other would do just fine here…I choose the HD600.

Just put down the clears and plugged my HD600’s into Hagemans TUBA parafeed tube amp…Dido’s No Angel, Take My Hand!!

Simply Sublime!!


…if i already have 660s is it still worth it if I get “the famous HD600” ?

If you have or plan on getting a tube amp to pair with it then I’d say yes :+1:

On sale or used I would say it’sworth having. The higher impedance and flatter frequency response lends to it tubing much better than the 660

my TA-20 is otw :sunglasses: