Audiophile speaker cables make me angry

It’s beautiful. Its the perfect example of something you can do, but shouldn’t

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Yeah, as I already said, oxygen-free copper sends 100% of the signal, so, what more do you want? Yes, you can pay 100$+ for 6ft cables. And it will sound different. And if you prefer your “audiophile cables” because it sounds different, there’a a 50% chance your #1 cable is at the dollar store (or half-broken in a trash bin somewhere, lol).

I’m sure 99%+ people making speakers or DACs don’t use weird cables with weird properties, this would just add a variable to the sound, a variable they don’t want.

Yep. My Chord Hugo TT2 came with an optical and USB and they look like regular old monoprice or amazon basics stuff. Thin black, kind of flimsy. I traded my USB cable for a slightly more expensive one, not for any reason other than it looked more robust and would last longer without the plastic around the wires fraying.

So your saying I don’t need this $39,000 speaker cable that needs to be tuned to my speakers?


What’s funny to me Chord is kind of beloved by the audiophile types that would buy these audiophile power supplies and cables. And the best part is the Hugo TT2 manual tells them if they try and get like an audiophile power brick or linear power supply it’ll void their warranty. And you can tell when that’s brought up it makes a few folks on other forums squirm.


Chord makes decent cables as in overall quality. I think they aren’t over the top like many “audiophile” cables. Think i had their speakers cables in the old passive system with custom plugs. Pinky finger thinness as isolation.

Main system uses 110ohm XLR cables are also made by Chord.
Also have few Atlas digital cables and analog Monster XLR cables in 2 setup.
But all the power cables and supplies are stock-ish. Some are 0.15 mm² thicker but for the right reasons like long length. :slight_smile:

But i do not like those +1000$ per 1ft cables in any way and those who say they are “holy” and sounds like unicorns are pissing rainbows next to you.

As far as cables are concerned, I’m of the camp that if you don’t hear it, it doesn’t exist. If you can demonstrably hear it, then it does exist. From experience however I have made cables for myself, using top shelf connectors and cabling. Nothing obscene like silver or anything like that, but just top shelf readily available components, Canare cable, Amphenol or Neutrik plugs.

In the end when I’ve measure the resistance of the + - loop of the cable white connected to the headphone, doing both the left and right channels. There is a difference in resistance when measured in Ohms. That resistance however small, (sometimes it’s only in the second digit decimal point) has to sound differently. Now if I can’t hear it, then there’s no point to it, but from a resistance standpoint the science is the science.

There are those that will then start to conflate science with magic to sell you snake oil, but that’s an entirely different discussion. I mod cables for the same reason I mod my headphones, or the same reason I mod my cars, to make them more individually my own.

What I’d be curious about is if anyone can talk to Zeos or DMS. When Paul from PS audio shared a video of this year’s Rocky Mountain and meeting Z and DMS, he talked about doing A/B cable comparisons with them and convincing them. I’d be curious to see a video of them discussing that experience and their thoughts.

I’m lucky I guess, my old ears really can’t tell the difference between a lossless rip and a high quality 320/48 rip but I can swear there’s a little more sound when I listen to a Tidal master. :slight_smile: So for the most part when it sounds good enough, I just enjoy the music.

I’d like to see him do a carefully designed ABX comparison and guess properly. I have a feeling that if someone else is doing the switching, and the test is designed properly, and he’s testing quality cables vs snake oil (rather than radio shack B stock vs snake oil) he will be very surprised.

The rest of us will not be surprised at all.

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I would actually think he could pass if he was using is best system. Just my personal opinion. That system Paul has is great, I got to listen to it and it will blow you away. It is definitely good enough to resolve differences between (some) cables, and Paul is a very good at picking stuff out imo. And I have already mentioned somewhere else that I don’t think abx is the best way to do it for audio but I digress

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So when you get an audio set up like the ones folks like Paul have (like super clear and resolving and hyper expensive) do you think better cables will make a significant difference or would it still be in the realm of slight variations/psycho acoustics

Please no fire hazards!
The only thing inline in cables that is allowed is ferrite rings.

Lol, thanks for the warning, I was just saying that something like that would actually do something, even if it wasn’t something you wanted lol

I think it would make an audible difference, but I would assume you would hit limits with 500 usd cables, and getting higher quality more expensive then that would not yield an improvement

At that level though the cables erode with each use, basically have 1000 listening sessions and the negative ions begin to dissipate and you wind up having to buy a new pair of cables. :unicorn:

Sorry I meant usd as in money lol fixed it

Your typo gave me the marketing idea. I’m surprised no one has ever thought of it before.

Well for pro cables, durability and how many uses and the condition they can withstand is pretty important, but it’s not really thought about much in the consumer realm

Edit: I am dumb again, yes cables that only for for a certain period of time is a great marketing idea. You could make a cable that has a chemical that causes the cable to degrade after being in open air for a certain period of time and then they have to get a new one. Just claim the chemical is very rare and enhances music quality, but needs to be replaced every few months

Biodegradable cables! #BiodegraCables ! Good for the environment AND for your ears! Get a subscription and for only 99.99$ a month, we’ll send you a new cable every month, just in time, before the other one vanishes!

But wait, there’s more! Order now and get the first one for FREE!

Coming soon: Our biodegradable mp3 player! Pre-order now for only 499$!

*Master reference quality dap

The mp3 player is 499, the DAP is 4999 and biodegradable :stuck_out_tongue: :sweat_smile:

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