Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)


Thanks for trust. these sound good. better mids than those tips 4 sure :melting_face:


For you which is the best iem under 500ā‚¬?

For me ?
Under or around $500

Sony N3A
ThieAudio Oracle/Clairvoyance
Audio Hekili


Still not selling or giving away any of my sony iems. N3 and ex800st both slap.


Good gear never gets outdated.
I push FOTMā€¦flavors i like but Rocky road and Mint chocolate chip are still legit :icecream:


one of my favorite IEMs ever, but those are $739 currently on Linsoul :slight_smile:

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Oh, i think that went up a tiny bit. I musta been thinking about Oracle and threw Clair in there cuz i love her #notsorry :laughing:

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OK, thank you.
I was a bit confused by your docs table because I see there are cheaper iems like Timeless and Raptgo above.

. I donā€™t understand anything anymore. Maybe he list inst updated?

Oh, youā€™re welcome

Today was really close to heatstroke.
Dizzy, rapid breathing /gasps.
Love summer training but Japan Summer is just brutalā€¦

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make a tier list video 150 to 500 please.


I can do that :call_me_hand: :notes:


That would be great, because you put Tri Starsea in your A tier of up to $300 earlier this year, and reccā€™d it, but never put a full video out for it. It seems to be an under-the-radar set and Iā€™d love to hear a little bit more about it, for a well-priced good hybrid


finally got the KAI after it was in my city since like last Wednesday so spending a bit of time with the KAI and my WA11 that also arrived today.
Blackbear - Queen of broken hearts is hitting just right.
Powerwolf is doing good too.


Gotta stay hydrated, bro!


Kai has arrived to join the HBB fam! Iā€™ve got about three hours of listening in today. With at least two solid hours dedicated to the Kai. The other hour A/Bā€™ing them to Mele and Olina. The Kai had me most interested in the 3k-5k dip. Seeing all these represent a fairly similar slope in the bass.

All my favorite sets to date have had a dip in that area. Without the dip it seems that guitars and hi-hats are to aggressive or possible to hot. It also does something to the vocals as the always seem to prominent. Those seem to be the two biggest factors that turn me away from an IEM as it fatigues me fairly quickly. Bass has never been much of issue and something I can look past more so, assuming thereā€™s no large midbass tip.

Just as I expected the Kai seemed to solidify that thought. Metallica - Seek and Destroy is my go to test track for the above mentioned areas. To get some of the probably obvious out of the way first. The technicalities increase pretty much go inline with the price increases.

Separation and staging go to Olina. Not in anyway though that makes Kai bad just that Olina is better. Bass is tighter and comes with more authority or punch on Olina. Where Kai seems softer and decays longer but, still has great presence. With Mele falling in the middle on each. I canā€™t say that treble is an area on these though that I can define by the price bracket.

Kai has a darker presentation to treble. Which overall, for me, seems to give the whole tuning more warmth. Treble heads should stay clear if this is your defining area. Not that Olina necessarily hits treble head territory either but, thereā€™s just more. Cymbals and high-hats are more crisp and prominent and electric guitars are more aggressive and energetic. Kai to my ear seems more warm and meaty with the tuning. Where Olina has more of a coolness to it.

Overall theyā€™re all solid choices. I personally think the treble region would be the defining point for a lot of individuals. For me the 3k-5k, being my key area, has made a clear winner dethroning the Olina in the sub $100 price bracket. What are everyone elseā€™s takes between the budget HBB colabs if youā€™ve heard them. Iā€™d also be happy to try and answer any questions about them to the best of knowledge.


Olina is a clear step up from KAI and Melee to me so:

  1. Modded Olina
  2. Olina
  3. KAI/Melee

KAI has slightly better imaging & separation than the Melee, but neither are on the same level as the Olina in terms of technicalities and staging. Iā€™d personally grab the Meleeā€“>save up for the Olina since I feel like the KAI is in an awk position due to small differences vs Melee IMO. Still a stunning set tho :facepunch:

Also, have you tried the double filter mod on the Olina yet?

Tames the 3-5K area. High-volume blasting approved :sunglasses: (You can also use x2 Tanya filters instead of the stock ones if itā€™s still not enough)


I feel thereā€™s something the graph isnā€™t telling because I didnā€™t like Mele (gave away to family after a couple weeks) but the Kai is just doing some things for meā€¦ as always YMMV


I have both the stock double filter mod and the port filter. I didnā€™t realize the Tanya filters tamed it more so, may look into getting those. Donā€™t get me wrong itā€™s an amazing set and still would probably be my preference for a lot of music. The mod did help but, itā€™s still to aggressive on songs like Seek and Destroy for me. Guess it could possibly be something else. However, itā€™s always drawn to electric guitars and cymbals being the issue.

Unfortunately I donā€™t want to build my listening habits or playlists around that. I just hit shuffle and flow through all kinds of genres. Hate that I skip songs because of this. Which leads to me seeming to favor that area of treble as the key point.

While I definitely agree that technicalities and imaging are better on Olina. Guessing I just place them lower in my overall liking of an IEM. For me it seems to go; treble, bass, technicalities and then imaging. Itā€™s probably because of this I favor the Kai. It just works for all the songs that give me troubles usually. Same goes for OG Tea, Moonlight and N3 which are my outliers and exceptional in every area for me. Appreciate the response.


Haha I also gave my Melee away after the KAI!

Itā€™s most likely due to the KAI having less mid-bass, allowing more room for mids to breathe. Also the tame uppermids helps with scaling+the small bump in imaging :+1:

Itā€™s a solid set if you want to rock your brains out.


I wouldnā€™t go as far to say I donā€™t like the Mele. It would however be my third choice if picking one of these three.