Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Warning: Wall of text incoming. Sorry got kinda triggered since I’ve only been in the hobby for a couple of months, and I also got scamed in snake oil, but realized it very quickly.

I dont mind cable believers. Despite the fact that its prejurative for newcomers (like myself), I like to let people believe what they belive. Its like religion or politics. To each their own.

Now, when someone does a Rec based on “you need a xxx usd cable, 500h or burn in and to smack your head into a wall” for them to sound good… Thats my line. Specially when theres no graph, no music talk and tips are usually neglected.

  • Tips do change sound. Different bores, textures, etc do make a difference. Also all ears are different, so whatever suits you, should not suit everyone in the world. Every IEM nozzle is different and every fit is different because of that. Most important thing that most newcomers dont seens to understand is the importance of a well sealed sound. Any 10k usd will sound shitty if you can’t get a seal.
    Again, changing tips makes you like an IEM more, but doesnt make you like an IEM that you disliked from the start.

  • Sources do change sound. Sure, this should be the last piece of the puzzle, but sources do change sound. Its a chain. Altho, theres an argument of dimishing returns to be done. Most people wont ear a difference from a 200 usd stack to a 1000 usd stack. Thats the truth. A different argument can be done to DAPs but i’ll ignore it for the time being.
    Again, changing sources makes you like an IEM more, but doesnt make you like an IEM that you disliked from the start.

  • Cables do change sound. Yes, you heard me right. But that change is so small (0,001%) that people can’t hear it. I’ve heard differences before between cables. It’s the old stock vs aftermaket. Most stock cables suck, because costs must be cut for the price to be competitive. A well built cable will sound better than a bad built one. But 2 well built cables will sound the same. Yes, there are IEMs that are very sensible to cables (Andromeda?) and they can even graph changes with different cables. But 2 identical cables, using the same materials, will sound the same. Cores don’t matter for sound quality. Brands don’t matter. Materials dont matter. Price DOES matter… To you wallet.
    Use whatever feels right to you. If you hear differences, keep in mind it’s probably placebo, but don’t rec something because you “heard something”. Also, they cables are like jewelry. Get something you really like or matches your IEMS. Also keep an eye for weight and stiffness. There’s a cable I love and own but I can’t use it much since it’s too heavy and doesnt behave.
    Again, changing cables makes you like an IEM more, but doesnt make you like an IEM that you disliked from the start or for it to sound better (99% of the times). But if your IEMs look good, they will sound better, am I right? :upside_down_face:

  • Burn-in does change sound, in some cases. Sure, some DDs need a bit to break in and ESTs need some time to smooth out, but the more important thing is the “Brain Burn-In”. It can’t be graphed, so take it with a bunch of salt, and keep in mind most of it it’s your brain adjusting to a tuning, more than a physical difference.
    Again, burn-in makes you like an IEM more, but doesnt make you like an IEM that you disliked from the start.

  • Personal prefences matter a lot. Sometimes people ask “what’s the best for X genre?” and I kinda cringe… I might like female voices and want a bass-head curve. Just because I like bass. Of course there’s some technicalities that make a IEM better or worse for a certain genre. But your personal preferences makes the most difference. Toy with what you have. Roll your sets, EQ if you wish.
    Also, just because someone has a close library than you, that doesn’t mean is Recs shall be taken as an holy grail. Take treble as an example. Some people get fatigued and can’t stand it, some people like it. Find your tunning.
    Again, personal preferences makes you like an IEM more, but doesnt make you like an IEM that you disliked from the start.

  • MUSIC does change it all. Knowing your prefences is important, but listening to something you enjoy is the pinacle.
    Ask yourself this question: “Would I prefer a cheap phone with a dongle, a 20usd IEM and listen to my library or would I prefer to hear something I hate in a 10k USD rig?”
    Either answer is fine, but there’s a difference. Either you’re here for the gear, or you’re here for the music. If you’re here for the gear, sure, grab your favorite albuns and run the market down with your credit card.
    If you are here for the MUSIC, and that’s why you got into this hobby, then listen to the music, not the gear. Find your favourite tracks and favourite test tracks. Find the why you like it, the why they are good for testing the gear IN YOUR OPINION. Find the best option for YOUR library and YOUR prefences.
    Enjoying music it’s the only thing that matters. If a setup is worth of 20 or 20.000 usd, it doesn’t matter, as long as YOUR MUSIC sounds good to you. This is an hobby and not a job. Do whatever feels right to you. Doesn’t matter if you believe in cables, burn-in, power supplies or whatever. If it feels right for you, and you can afford it, go ahead. HAVE FUN!


Still new the to audio realm I know what I want for actual hf. Currently using a pair of dt990s modified with a foam pad swap a dekoni suede pads and a balanced mod but I im going to be upgrading to my endgame lcd-x here soon but im here looking for a decent work iem. Nothing to crazy or expensive I’d say price range would be 200 or less. I listen to mainly old rock metal and the occasional hip hop. I haven’t really tried any iems always had just cheap wireless earbuds because I work in a factory. Is there anything out there that you guys can recommend for me to look at. Sorry for any typos and if any questions come up I’ll try awnsering them to my best ability. Also my work is pretty loud.

Not an expert, but here are my recs for your library (that also work for me) as of today:

  • Mangird Tea (If you can scretch to around 300usd) - My favourite sub 500 IEM, great for your library.
  • Tanchjim Hana 2021 (around 180usd) - You can find some reviews online. Just came out but getting some praise as an Tanchjim Oxygen lookalike for 100usd less.
  • Tripowin x @hawaiibadboy Mele (49,90usd) - Comes out this week. WE HOPE :rage: Might wanna take a look at this one since is similar to Hana 2021 but costs 1/4th of the price.

EDIT: Also, welcome to the realm! Read my post above. Whichever IEM you end up getting, do some tip rolling :wink:


Beginning to think that maybe, just maybe the people in the headfi Discovery thread are mentally deficient. I wonder who they’re talking about, @Rikudou_Goku could you help me?


Can’t wait for the lucky roulette for Mele as well :triumph:

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When I read that for the first time, I guessed he was talking about @Rikudou_Goku , but i’m not sure. Anyways, that guy is just a rich turd. He has awsome experience with TOTL, but lacks personal touch.

Also, welcome to HFGF :slight_smile:

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Thank you so very much! Are all these iems well capable of being driven off an android or should I get a portable amp as well? I have heard good things about the Mangrid Tea’s. Yeah my library ranges from like 60-90s rock and old and new school metal and old school hip hop or rap. I just really like having guitars drums and vocals really stand out. Also are they pretty durable because I can be kinda ruff on my stuff at work lmfao I get my hands kinda dirty at times.

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Sucks to see them trashing pretty much every review that’s not like theirs while also preaching about everyone hearing things differently. Not to mention dismissing anyone without proper TOTL experience lol (which as expected weeds out like 99% of headfi).

Thanks for the welcome btw!


Yes, most IEMs can run just fine from an android phone. Some may get better results with amping, but none of the listed above need it.

If you ever find in the curiosity to get a better dongle/portable amp, there’s some cheap on the market that do the job VERY well done.

Edit: @KelleyJ27 regarding durability, I think you’ll be fine. Just dont let stuff enter the nozzle or vents nor get them with liquids. You gotta be carefull with the cables tho. If cables break, its fine, just replace. But you gotta be careful with those 2pins. They can bend or break. If dirt is a problem, i’d avoid hana, since its white on rose gold lol

Just make sure to get a transport case (usually comes with stock, can get it on aftermaket) so you can throw them in a bag without worrying. Mine iems get carried a lot and even have been to the beach. No problems at all. If you work gets in the cables way, just use in under the shirt with a chinslider. Can even get a longer cable or use it running down your back.

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Headfi is like a crack house. Sure, you go in there, see with your eyes, take your own conclusions.

I visit HF everyday, but I focus more and more on the good stuff I get from there (mainly topics about earbuds, discoveries, Precog’s opinions, etc).

HFGF is the best non-poluted forum for me, where you can actually have behaved discussions and opinions. I also find here the three most important personal opinions on my choices (@hawaiibadboy , @Resolution and @Rikudou_Goku ).

You need to keep in mind, nowadays everyone can be a reviewer, which is perfect, but has its cons :slight_smile:


Maybe a thieaudio l2 as a beater pair cause I couldn’t stand to see a tea mishandled :sob:
Or wait a bit and see if mele is to your liking for 50$

@hawaiibadboy guess what IEMs are going into this cable that just arrived? :rage:


As a person who has several flagships i can say that the improvements are quite marginal.
Not sure who is being shit on but that is very uncool.

Mele will be for sale from August 20th though some promo campaigns to win one will likley start in a few days.
Sorry about the wait but i hate pre-orders and did not want anyone paying and waiting.
You pay, you get.
Thanks btw :hibiscus: :call_me_hand:


He’s talking about @Rikudou_Goku. That guy is a prick. He even messaged me one time telling me how he gets his money when I never even talked to him or asked. Fuck him.


Did he quote himself??

I missed that at first cuz…I have never seen it before. :man_facepalming:


That ‘Audio123’ is your typical the pot calling the kettle black shitter. Been shilling for years now. i mean this was years back. They are either Penon henchman or get comission based on their cable sales. These two really make it sound like with cables just stop using AMP/DAC/SOUND. Hence it can even cure ‘cancer’ :joy: :joy:

I’m just waiting for the post when one of them gonna claim to buy $5000 cable to enhance a $10 IEM :crazy_face: :expressionless:


Kinda pick your poison. Another one that thinks cable cures everything

(ISN is sub-brand penon)


Pretty sure that’s already been done. Already saw somewhere an 800$ cable on a 50$ IEM.

I had to go in and give it a punch.

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Penon ‘official’ website



Awesome yeah if I have to get super dirty ir filthy I’ll just slap in the earbuds because idgaf about them being broke or nasty or filthy. Doing day in and day out routines at work I hardly do a lot honestly, I work just not crazy stuff but I see Linsoul has the mangird teas for 300 bucks new I might be able to swing that. That’s the one thing that scares me about iems is the cables but I have done it with cheaper pair and never had an issue but I knew they were cheaper so I didn’t care much because they were cheap Walmart specials🤣. I’ll let you know how it goes when I make the purchase thank you again.

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You welcome! Do some tip rolling if you can :slight_smile:

(also, i hate the stock cable on teas, id get a cheap one when you recover from that buy)