Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Ah interesting! Cymbals sound amazing to me, so clear and airy. Maybe Canon is a bit too analytical for you? Serial is a more musical and laid back set based on what I’ve read.

Damn, Turii is a beauty and that cable looks amazing. Still drolling at the Venom one :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yup. :two_hearts: Those cables :two_hearts:

Black is Liquid Links VENUM
White is Liquid links EVUA


Eager to know what you think about this set. I have hesitated to buy it.

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Yo those cables are something special. The hardware design is so sick. That black cable is awfully peerrrttyyy.

What is everyone using for tips on the Serial and maybe your thoughts? I’m still going back and forth between a wide bore, which brand is unknown, and some Final Audio Type E. Definitely can hear the differences just trying to see which I prefer. Haven’t really tipped rolled much in the past. Noticing these seem to change pretty drastically with rolling.

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This was from 20 days ago: Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) - #7676 by rattlingblanketwoman.
Maybe @rattlingblanketwoman has tried more tips since then?
Searching on head-fi Penon thread, seems like folks generally recommend whatever tip gets you a deep insertion, which is a rec echoed by @rattlingblanketwoman.
What type of eartips do you own?

Not many other than stock. Some Spinfits and E Tips. Never really found a need to venture out. Trying to get an idea where to start with Serial. Might just buy a bunch of different ones. Small price when you consider IEM prices.

ok using a mele now i notice that yeah the bass is prominent but say on playboi cartis “sky” it feels like the high blaring synths and baby voice kinda just feel thin, like it needs more a push for the best experience (now i know i probably want a little more mids and highs so the bass doesn’t blur it)

punk guitars don’t really hit that great either (note that i am using spin fits so that might be a reason but i don’t think it will be a big issue). “misery business” by paramore needs that high end spark which makes them sound more… colorful? full? more impactful? it might be something with the driver as well because EQ doesn’t help and makes the bass sound much more flat

but in another comparison… it sounds GREAT on pick up the phone by travis scott and young thug.

Tips make difference but sadly you will need to try many to find a good match you might wa t to do that with Canon also. Our ear canals are different. Different tips will react differently for different folks. HBB use spinfits 100 that works for him might not work for you

I thought hbb uses azla xelastec

Yeah Liquid Links VENUM is pretty sick :fire:

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There are several over on head-fi that swear by the ePro EP00 horn shaped for the Serial.


I cannot emphasize what a huge part of my Serial experience the eHorn tip has been (small tip, pretty deep insertion, usually I use M silicone tips with IEMs). It’s the perfect marriage for the set’s qualities. It’s what initially swayed me most about them as the keeper set. I sort of see them as a unit now, they are the tips that let the Serial be the most Serial it can be.


Sometimes but for reviews it’s been CP100L size for about a year or so :call_me_hand:


Did u say Tanchjim Audio? Sorry bro, just lost it :joy:

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Yeah haha oopsie

Smut Peddlers ??

Yeah, I like this guy :call_me_hand: :musical_note: