Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

There is a queue of about forty so far with two shipping every week. When you put in your order you are added to a Google spreadsheet to keep track of the status.

Any new orders will be added to the end of the queue. Mine are next up to be shipped so should be here in about a week. Can’t wait to hear them. Glad I got in relatively early.

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:joy:…My OG Andro’s are the same for me, right source, right tips, right tunes and…



I’m glad I got to hear the Lokahi. It sounds great, but I have other IEMs I prefer (Monarch & Clairvoyance). I prefer DD as well, but you’re right, the Lokahi has impact very similar to a DD. I’m actually thinking about selling it if someone wants to get their hands on it that wasn’t able to order it before all orders were halted. Let me know if you know anyone that might be interested.

IMO the Mangird Tea is superior to the Lokahi for just a little more money.

There are about 50 dudes on Headfi who will snag your set :muscle:

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Be like holy shit…


You can probably sell it for more than linsoul is selling it since they would be skipping the entire waiting time lol.

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My biggest complaint with the Lohaki is the inner ear vacuum. You’d think with a big-ass vent in the IEM, it would have more than enough venting. ?!?!?!?! :rage:

Wow, I thought it wouldnt have pressure build up with that vent it has…

I know. My point exactly.

BA’s move that much air :open_mouth: never had an issue with all BA’s tbh…tips used?

I would be one of them, LOL. but also interested in the See Audio Yume.

Specs of the Lokahi… Ohm and dB sensitivity?

What does the vent even do then? bigger sounstage?

I need a complete seal, I find Spinfit CP100 do the job best. I get suction immediately when I put them in my ears. I can make it through a song and feel the need to take them out.

Ha ha, I do not know.

Have you tried blocking it with your fingers? Does it affect the sound in anyway?

How strange, I’ve never encountered anything like that…DD flex yeah but that…no.

I just tried. It does nothing.

EDIT: This is the annoyance… While I have the Lokahi in my ears, I’m constantly reaching for the right ear and moving the tip inside my ear to relive the pressure build up.

Does it isolate like a BA iem? Or does that vent affect the isolation?

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When I reviewed I had 2 heaters going as it was freezing. Could barely hear a peep.

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