Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

This happens all the time. Impressions have a magic to them when the impression is good.

Then we get used to it. Hopefully we don’t lose all the magic when we do.


You got yours yet?
I think you said you had to wait for a pair and then you’d review them, but I can’t remember exactly.

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Not yet no, but I’ve been in close contact with the guy who makes them. He seems to know what’s up. He assures that the bass, if nothing else, is world class, having gone through over 30 different dynamic drivers to find the best of all. He’s also modified it heavily to make it hit harder :slight_smile:

I’ve been told that it’s a whole tier above Dunu Luna, Fourte Noir and Spiral Ears SE5U and MEST MK2.

Even Rhapsodio Infinity MK2 with its copper-coil charged BA’s can’t produce the sheer pressure of the Mundakas bass.

I won’t know for sure how good the bass of Mundaka is until I get my pair in 2 weeks time.


I am a sucker for gold and carbon fiber. Two juggernauts…


Together they cost what? $1800?
Both were underdogs too.
MEST took off after a video about how they play music ( cuz …earphones) and Mangird?? was the ultimate word of mouth set ever in this hobby. More vids in last 2 months than 1st 2 years.


Putting the price together is kinda amusing, since the mangird teas are 1/5 the price. It is like buying one of the flagship sony phones and getting a free pair of of their TWS buds (that they have done a few times).




I’m so excited to get my Mangirds in. Strange coming for the Mangird/Xenns brand now from their new high end IEM, the UP.

I’ve been hearing about the Teas for so long that I always figured that I would try them eventually. I never thought I would end up with something else from the brand first!

Really interested in comparing the Tea to the other sub $300 stuff, and even how they may feel in my most used rotation.

This hobby feels pretty interesting right now!


Mangird TEA?

Oh, thought you had em already.
The U.G.K’s of the IEM world

Oh! Yea, I bought them but they’re still
In transit from Drop….shipping can be slow at times with some stuff!

Edit: I got from Drop since they were running a sale down at like…$250’ish. (I said linsoul at first but meant drop)



Such a tease.

Gl2000 HBB edition? :grinning:

No. Handmade Japanese set. Kinda rare. Think I just scored a pair :slight_smile:
OriginalVoice 972PRO


Has anybody landed on a single DD? I really like my Ety er2xr but man the fit is just killing it. Senn IE300 or 900, Illumination. Just curious the experience you guys are having.

IE900 is pretty damn good.


Oh trust me ive watched your review more than once. Do you have any plans to review the little brother , would be curious to see how big of a difference and hearing that it has boosted bass, i really like electronic on a single DD most of the time.

I might be one of the odd one’s out here, having not gone past single DD. Tin T2’s, BL03’s, Moondrop Starfield’s and now finally FiiO FD5. I was tempted at the Blessing 2 Dusk for a while (still kind of am), but decided against it purely because of shipping shenanigans at the time.

Sennheiser has had me wondering how good their IEM lineup is, because I’ve sold quite a few of them back when I worked in retail. They weren’t really high-end at that point, but it was miles better than the Skullcandy trash or the Koss Plugs that were otherwise littering the shelves. Given my love for Sennheiser’s headphones and house sound in general, I’m quite interested in how they perform.

But maybe the IE300 is just a sidegrade of my FD5. I’m very pleased with the sound of it so far, my complaints are mostly regarding the sheer size of the unit. That and I’m kind of afraid spending as much as it would cost to get an IE900. I know IEM’s aren’t bad in any sense of the word, but I just somehow have an aversion or a sense of reluctance spending so much on something so small, not that it makes much sense in the end given the quality reviews and impressions given here and elsewhere.

Somehow it just feels more “normal” to spend the same amount of money on a pair of full-size headphones. Maybe I’m just silly or superstitious.

Sometime down the line I do want to give one of the tribrids or similar a go. The Moondrop Variations looks fantastic and I would for once want an IEM that has a more ear-friendly design compared to the odd hulks that I’ve been using. Shame there’s no place to really demo IEM’s near me in Sweden, makes me jealous when I look at @Kalnet’s photos from the audio stores and café’s he’s shown off here.


Honestly from what I’m hearing, the Starfield is a fine IEM to stop at unless you want to pay $500+. Or maybe the Teas are great at $300. I’ll know soon when I get them I guess.

I haven’t really found much joy in the $200-300 stuff I’ve tried, albeit I’ve had limited experiences thus far. I tried the Blessing 2 and wasn’t very interested as others are.

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IEM world is moving blisteringly fast. Look at the new Geek Wold GK10 which has 2 DDs, 1 BA, and 2 Piezo drivers for only $45. I would not have doubted if it was $450 from just hearing that driver setup… Point is, Starfield is still good but you can probably do even better at much lower prices now.


Yea! I can’t wait to get them in from the mail. I’d love to compare them all and see if I can think of a favorite.