Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)


Great review but I just wonder. Is this acceptable for over $5000?

You can not really compare measurements from different rigs. While they all may comply to the 711 Standard the microphones itself can still vary. So try to keep it inside each database.
You can see that effect on Super Reviews Squig with his IEF comp target which tries to null the difference between his and crinacles rig.


What’s the issue here? The channel matching of the L/R looks very good, and the singular HBB measurement is done on a different setup/coupler and probably with different tips. Do you have an issue with the FR? Am I missing something here?
Edit: for reference, this is the factory measurement on my pair (STM018):

I will get it measured independently at some point, but I can not discern any imbalance from regular listening.


Good example of Frequency graph tools at work.

Looks close…my 711 and DUNU GRAS
Now go find the other Vulkan’s on Squig :v: :notes:

It’s QC or the Mics… :thinking:
It’s the mics :ok_hand:



We ‘quote’ graphs like we’re throwing confetti :tada: there needs to be some sort of industry standard when it comes to graphing.There’s way too many variables involved for results to be valid in most cases…seems B&K 5128 is closest to being what is actually physically audible by the human ear?..graphs help, but certainty don’t tell the whole story :musical_score::notes::musical_note:


No graph, even if there was one industry standard everyone follows, would be good enough because ear anatomy just does things. It’s part of why we can’t agree on terms like neutral, bright, warm etc. Even in the upgrade matrix I’m developing I am strictly defining the terminology I’m using and I KNOW there will be “that’s not what bright is to me” pushback.

But defining things and having graphical reference points are still extremely valuable, as long as we recognize the standard that sedition or reference is coming from. You don’t have to personally agree with a standard but if it’s consistent, the data will still be reliable.


Just got my Blon Z300 gold edition, the quality of the cable is unreal at this price point!

Fit and sound are on point for me, looking back over the last couple of years IEM’s have evolved to amazing value.


Anyone got any tip recs for the Z300? Almost none of the tips I have fit and before I go blindly buying, would be nice to know if anyone knows some that mesh well with them.

I remember hearing this as well but I’ve since measured the same IEM with different tips on 3 different 711 rigs and they all produced pretty much the exact same results. Especially the exact same below about 5 KHz so I believe this is complete bullsh!t. These rigs, however knock-offs, are actually surprisingly accurate.

Oh you’ve also tried measuring the same IEMs on different 711 rigs and gotten different results??

I have measured the exact same iems on multiple rigs and while the results have been similar, there are differences.

Also, different tips on the same rig produce different results, so maybe yours was coincidence?


I mean thanks for proving my point as it’s basically the exact same up until about 3 Khz!

Sorry one last point on QC vs rig… Well here is the same rig measuring two different IEMs of the same make and model. I’m sure some of you have seen this before but it bears keeping in mind…

Not even any of the stock ones?

The stock ones sizing is just barely too big or too small for my ears to maintain a really good seal. They work, but have occasional problems losing seal when I’m moving around.

I’m using Moondrop Spring XL tips, but Spinfit cp100 also work well I just prefer the Spring tips for the extra grip.


For once you dont know if people have/use the manufacturers calibration file. And its not necessarily a given that thats accurate. My calibration shows deviations starting at 1k. While the magnitude of the deviation is only about 1dB it shows a similar form to the mentioned IEF comp from Super. I dont know how exactly he came to that but there it varies up to 3-4 dB in the 1-3k area, which is how the storm deviates. As with all things you can have statistical bad luck with the rig accuracy, seating, or other variances.
In this instance Id probably trust HBBs experience and assume its the rigs fault.

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KBear 07 are my tips of choice. The fit and feel is perfect in my ears.


I got both stock types to work for me, but I’ll do some rolling tonight and report back. The KZ x HBB PR2 has been a struggle getting a solid fit for some odd reason, but I’ve been having great luck with Symbio W tips.
Edit: @Pokrog I’m really digging these with Sprial Dots and Sedna Earfit Light Shorts if you have any at hand; I think the wide bores help to balance the sound very well, still hitting hard in the lows with more breathing room for the mids and highs.

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