Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

No he is selling these :slight_smile:

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How much is it?

I paid $1,600 early bird. Think it is more now


Goddamn ok lol. Well I’ll wait for the reviews but scarlet mini is stretching it for me already budget-wise so I’ll jus sit back and hear what others think haha.


Just confirmed it’s same as grand Maestro ($2,700)

That has more drivers this has 2 huge DD’s (14.2mm)x2 and 3 BA

This hits harder…as it should w/ 2 huge DD’s

It has 2 DD’s?

Another isobaric design or just something like the Legato?

He’s gonna write up the design and goal. Has a mono sub driver and a kinda crossfeed for center image…goal was an actual 2.1 system theory in mini form. I’ll let him explain it later and copy paste in here.
it is fucking crazy.


Pay your mortgage and bills, enjoy life with your partner or kids (if you have them), and pass this one. Don’t sell your kidneys for it lol


Oh trust me, I’m not that crazy lol. Once I get my scarlet I’m going to focus on other areas, maybe try out some IEMs that might interest me in the $300 range but I would rather build out my listening system now. Complete my vinyl playing system, maybe add a CD player too. And I would rather upgrade speakers first before going on the next upgrade step in IEMs.


Be crazy. But a Vinyl setup is the longer term invest.


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TRN sent theese for me to review I know you posted on FB before I was muted that theese are not a collaboration?

It has your logo and Name on them and not a preproduction unit ?

Clarification if you choose would be appreciated but not nessasary.
Cheers Monk.


The project fell apart.
I walked away.
Deposit was returned.
Good luck to them.


  1. Features
  • Dedicated Crossfeed DriverThe Brahmastra features 2 x 14.2mm Beryllium Coated Driver of which one driver is dedicated to solely playing the secondary channel.
  • Room Bass Resonance Chamber The Brahmastra’s bass works similar to a room, having 2 subwoofers play freely into space with multiple objects in it to reflect off of, Brahmastra’s bass has the drivers play bass reflecting off of the walls, wires and other cross over components of the shell while it simultaneously makes its way into the nozzle through a dedicated tube.
  • True 2.1 BassThe Dedicated crossfeed driver is tuned to work below 200Hz exclusively which when played in combo with the 14.2mm Primary channel Bass driver monomizes bass below 200Hz leading to a cleaner, concentrated, centralized Bass and Lower end that provides a similar experience to a true 2.1 setup with a single subwoofer in the center. . (edited)
  • Tandavam BassA Bass so powerful that it destroys your sense of what’s possible in an in-ear monitor and recreates a whole new reality in real time as the bass hammers every beat into your ear drums. Brahmastra’s Bass tuning philosophy comes from our sole intent to provide Big Bold Sound in an Unapologetic manner. In process we are proud to claim that the Brahmastra has the deepest, most cleanest and engaging Bass in an iem on the Planet! Rudhra Tandava (a divine dance performed by the Hindu God of Destruction Shiva) is the fierce form of Tandava which symbolizes destruction (in order for re-creation).
  • Rudhra Revolutionary Crossa 3-way cross and a dimensional cross that brings the secondary channel into both sides.
  • Stepped Square Horn Tweeter SytemDesign inspired by home audio, the stepped square horn design helps in progressively extracting the last bits of extension that typically escapes our perception. Brahmastra’s treble is on par with sets that use multiple supertweeters to extract the same amount of detail. The horn also has damper brackets to lower treble quantity and extension to preference.
  • Advanced Resonance Control (ARC)The Brahmastra uses 4 Resonators that are aimed towards to the canal to control both drivers and human canal resonances around the lower treble region (6k-11k) to give you the most detailed yet low-fatigue experience.
  • Reversible ConnectorsBrahmastra’s connectors are wired and designed to work in a way that no matter which side you connect with, your iem will always play the dedicated side it was made for.

Brahmastra uses proprietary wired JH audio 4-pin connectors and cable, it is not compatible with standard JH Audio 4-pin connector cables


They shouldn’t be using your logo and name I don’t agree with that.

No review going to happen can’t support that.

Thanks Chris.


I appreciate :heart:
To be clear, I just checked and the auto modding on FB has you on 1 group post per day it was triggered …I don’t know how. You were not muted or interfered w/ by me.
I can manually lift the restrict.
I set that for preventing new members spamming and folks with less than 1 year on FB cannot even comment
You have been a good active member. Sometimes the auto modding creates issues but overall it prevents the site from being identical to all the others

I will manualy lift restrict :call_me_hand:


Thanks Brother I try to be helpful and contribute to the community maybe i was brownied up and did a mass posting! LOL


Look kinda familiar?
Atmospheric enhancemet…rings a bell :laughing:

Compare RED with my target when you get it (f you do)