Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Looking forward to seeing where you would put the CP622b in top10!

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So the daughter and wife got over Covid/pink eye finally. Now somehow at 36 years of age I got shingles. Mind blowing to me. They say it’s from stress. Like dom said,glad Kai is doing better🤙


Dang buddy, I hope everyone feels better soon!

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The ladies are doing great now! Which is all that matters to me. But this random shingles shit is wild to me🤪. I appreciate man,thanks a bunch!

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Hope you feel better soon
But sorry to say it, and I don’t want to get into the whole COVID narrative on here, but shingles is a known
auto-immune response caused by the mRNA COVID Vax.
In the UK, it’s now so prevalent that they even advertise having a jab against it.
Never had the need for a shingles jab in the 60 years I’ve been alive but now…


Thanks Dave! Was thinking it came from the C word. It’s definitely a different kind of pain. Hope everyone has a good weekend!


Shit, dude. I hope everyone in the house feels better soon :handshake:


Good to know both are getting better. Also hope this is easing the pressure on you. It’s never good to our mind to be the healthy one while taking care of the others that aren’t. Remember to be healthy so you can better take care of them.

Also @ctjacks336 hope you get better soon man.


Ah that explains why I got the shingles 2 years prior to Covid and all the vaccins. Thx for clearing that up



No, you got Shingles because you have been exposed to VZV, such as having Chickenpox. You CAN have a breakout as a result of things that cause changes in your immune system, such as receiving a vaccine OF ANY KIND:

Increased risk of shingles after COVID-19 vaccination. A 2022 study compared people who visited a clinic to receive an mRNA vaccine with an unvaccinated group of people who visited a health clinic for any other reason. The researchers found that 0.2% and 0.11% of the vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, respectively, developed shingles in the 60 days after their clinic visits. While the researchers noted an increased frequency of shingles after the mRNA vaccines, they noted that this finding isn’t exclusive to COVID-19 vaccines. Experts observe this with vaccines for other diseases. The researchers also noted that their study didn’t consider whether individuals included in their group had potential risk factors for shingles.

Maybe chill on the personal attacks, my dude.


My wife contracted Shingles after contracting Covid (depleted immune system), absolutely floored her for 18 months. Shingles jab only for those over 75, to late by then. Should be for anyone over 50.



Man…December 2023 was/is one of the worst. Take care man.
Our kids are better…that is the big stress.
I can say that cuz i don’t have shingles…knocking on wood



Just want to say this while it on my mind and I’m sitting here chilling out. Been thinking a lot about what @hawaiibadboy said a couple weeks ago when his son had pink eye which turned into hospital visits and how scary that shit is when you have a child. Was going through something similar but not nearly as bad and just want to say that you guys are awesome on here, actually caring and being sincere. It’s awesome to see. It has been a hell of a year and it been awesome getting to know quite a few of you in some sort of way. Big thanks to @rattlingblanketwoman for really getting me going on the forum. Hope everybody has a kickass new year and look forward to talking with all you guys. And Chris thanks for keepin it real always and I appreciate what you do for the community.


Big thank you for your support. Never felt so helpless in my desire to protect my wonderful wife.


Shingles sucks! :frowning: Hope you get better quick bro keep us posted! :+1:


Not me that has it, but my wife. Complretely destroyed her left side. She’s a warrior though, and fighting it every step of the way. We are working our way through it!


In line with what everybody in this thread has said, a big thank you to all of you for the wonderful support and encouragement you have provided throughout the year.


This thread and you guys saved me.
This a public place but it is not friendly to companies , simps or trolls thanks to @Ohmboy and others.
Gotta say thanks to @ZeosPantera . This is a Honey pot for links but while he was away…the site turned into an epic place to gather cuz he didn’t insert his feelings or other and i woulda, and i woulda messed this up, …so props to him.

I exist on all platforms but it’s for interacting with community I’m an influencer in. Part of my job.
I chat here to touch the ground and remember the gear is just an overpriced buncha materials, the folks pushing it all are at various stages of life and maturity.
Not worth getting worked up (like I do) at em.
Tough times show you where you are and who’s near you.
It was a learning thing.

Hope you all have a good New Year. @ctjacks336 I hope you get well soon and very happy about
your daughter. For others quietly struggling, keep ya head up. If you feel like you are only one in world with probs and can’t see the edge of the hole you are in mentally cuz it is seemingly so damn deep.
I was just there 3 days ago touching the bottom of the hole.
It gets better.


Not here to spread negativity whatsoever but earlier this month I got the hand foot mouth disease and now I got COVID. Back to back… And whenever I get sick, the snot kinda gets in the way of my ear, which turns all the higher frequencies I hear into 100% distortion… Just imagine you can’t even enjoy your music while being sick, it sucks :face_with_spiral_eyes:
Anyways, whoever is sick, wish y’all a swift recovery! And wish everyone a happy new year.:pray:t2:


@hawaiibadboy Somewhat a blast from the (near) past, but I dug out the OG Olina’s last night and was literally blown away as to how good these have matured over the past year or so’s usage.

The details and resolution (for prog & rock music) really stopped me in my tracks, as they are definitely up there with my most expensive sets ($350 mark).

For the $90 they originally cost, they still represent such amazing value. Beautifully tuned is an understatement. Thank you.