Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

It was listing the reservations as “sold out” that day, and verified the same each of the next two days. I am pretty sure I missed it on that first day.

I get that, but for me all of the HBB colabs under $100 were well worth the price. I think the QKZxHBB, Mele, Olina and Olina SE are great sets. I haven’t tired the Khan, but if I were more into hip-hop, that would be a must a buy for me as well.


Heeeey @hawaiibadboy, did the Mele come with two sets of the medium sized tips or am I nuts?

I think it did. 2 sets of M and 1 set of L iirc

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Plus 1 set of small and that completes the list :sunglasses:



What sample is that? Less bright and more bass(but not enough sub bass yet).

Sounds great.
More bass, less trebs…sounds like moar bass :notes: :ok_hand:


We (well me actually) need an HBB equivalent of the S8F…a detail beast but for less dosh.


That graph is looking kinda juice. 2DD ontop?


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Man, what a classic set and growing company till the OEM tried to cut out the middlee and faceplanted cuz…name recognition takes time and is really important.
And, nobody wants an OEM that announces itself and kneecaps brands that got them profit.

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It’s got a proper bump. Sounds quite nice. Looks amazing too :pinched_fingers: :notes:

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Really sad cos i still love that set (untill i nerffed it by accident) which is why id love a replacement.
I know you can still get them but i can justify the cost now i own the Monarch Mkii but a cheaper version…:pray:

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Yeah, the S8P and the S8F were nice. R5 Rui was my personal fave.
R.I.P to that once growing and bangin company.


Z300 now available on linsoul website and linsoul AliExpress page. I’ve ordered mine


Thanks :boom: :v: :notes: :heart_on_fire:

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Got a gold set. Wild how we’ve come from a $300 Oxygen to a $150 Hana to an IEM with a shell like this for $30, and I’ll wager as it’s 2023 and Chi Fi is racing, as good of a DD to boot.

When it comes I should have an EA500 and HBBxQKZ to try it alongside.


The Z300 and ea500 and XHBB are 3 sets most budget minded folks should have…if they got a library like mine.

That driver is crazy dope and the shell is too. The prices have gotten crazy in a great way

nice rolled silicon surround for x-cursion on your audio excursion


I just seen the listing, that shell looks great the subtle design on the front I like it. Glad to see another Blon that is interesting been a bit.


I’m still burnt over this shit. I really dug my S6Rui before it got jacked outta my truck in downtown LA. GS let greed f*ck up a good thing they had goin’ with Fearless that didn’t look to be slowing down anytime soon. They gotta be kickin’ themselves over that move. Stupid, stupid, stupid…:man_facepalming:

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Does anybody else feel the IEM arena’s been pretty stale this year? I get the feeling ChiFi’s abandoned everything else and just chases the ~$100 range to come up top.
Yeah, sure there’s the >$1500 range but that’s a pretty niche price bracket.

I want a new $500-$700 king that’ll blow away anything that came out in the last few years. Hopefully not another tribrid, too, there’s enough of those