The OG EJ07 is a magical set. The staging that set can present is pretty weird, very wide, and very spacious. The sound is extremely clean without sounding overly thin and anemic. Really unique sound.
Went to Canjam London last year, went to the LETSHUOER table just to get a listen to the EJ07 legend and loved it set…I got chatting to their UK rep and he gave me C12 to try and man that set became one of the outstanding sets I had the privilege to get my ears on that day… @domq422 man you’ll love C12, warm, musical, a tad more resolving and airy, slightly less sound stage…oh and Iike EJ07 not fatiguing and can be be played LOUD.
I’m thinking about going to a Canjam for the first time this year. Got to find a good one in the US to attend.
Since we’re giving the EJ’s some much deserved love here I just had mine re-shelled and this is the result, may they last a long time going forward. Im not sure how i will cope the day they are no longer with me, they are not available for purchase now pretty much and it scares me. If i didnt go to school now i would buy a set and just keep in a safe place.
Man you need to read RFKs book on this dude to find out what a total POS of a human being he is.
Eye opening read.
i made the impressions of my ears but didn dare to make the CIEM incase the fit was sub-optimal wich doesnt seem so uncommon.
I’m looking forward to giving them a listen, brother, hopefully a little bit after CanJam next month
Donald Trump was the one who proposed drinking bleach to cure COVID. That takes a special kind of stupidity to suggest that.
It’ll be interesting hearing your thoughts on that set also Chris’s as it’s more mid-bass dominate over sub-bass so we’ll see what he thinks when it comes to bass guitar string plucks and releases etc
The actual quotes, from the article you posted:
“So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous - whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light,” the president said, turning to Dr Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus response co-ordinator, "and I think you said that hasn’t been checked but you’re going to test it.
“And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting,” the president continued.
"And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?
“So it’d be interesting to check that.”
Pointing to his head, Mr Trump went on: “I’m not a doctor. But I’m, like, a person that has a good you-know-what.”
He never suggested drinking or injecting bleach as a cure-all the way people like to parrot, he just pondered publicly about the possible role of disinfectant methods while also noting that he wasn’t a medical professional. If you have ever heard the man speak, he likes to think out lout and meander through his thoughts in real time, that’s all that it has ever been.
I was going to kneecap a Gov run TV station that sat on outting a pedo Jimmy Savile for years.
Sadly the news isn’t the news anymore it’s just agenda pushing and litterally propaganda wings for the Gov.
CBS, NBC etc have had links to C.I.A for 40 years +
BBC is UK version of a US broadcaster
The Savile stuff is just vile.
Yep, EJ07 is legendary. It’s been said before.
Negatives include a somewhat diffuse treble, somewhat limited bass excursion and authority by today’s standards…
But the midrange is still pretty much top tier overall and the soundstage immersion, that’s where it is KING. Sensational.
When played loud, sound materialize out of thin air around your head seemingly completely detached from the shell of the IEMs - especially with 1-bit DACs, which have this ability to create deep black pockets of vacuum around notes and sends the 3D quality of the set into hyperdrive.
Among other EST sets of which I’ve heard around 10, it’s not that they are bad at doing what EJ07 does masterfully with its stage… It’s worse than that, they are all lacking the ability altogether. IMHO.
I just never had that sensation with anything other than EJ07 so far, it’s unique in this regard.
I bloody wish someone would sell/lend me theirs so I could hear this set!
That JBL is way to potent for a training speaker outside…neighbors gonna be mad.
I take my role as the local ambassador seriously.
Jon here, happy to arrange this - EJ07 is what brought me to Letshuoer and it will forever hold the special place in my IEM world :). Will PM you
Very cool