Bad Guy Good Audio Reviews (A Million views?) Part 3/4

Meh, been there. Went outside, got blessed by life, got fucked by life. The internet doesn’t care. Only thing that matters are the people close enough to you to punch you in the face when things go wrong or pat you on the shoulder when things go right. The internet is not a reflection of the real world, the moment you start to believe it is, you’re lost.

And now for some simping. Correlating music or parts of music to the performance of an iem is great. That provides me so much more information that I can extrapolate to my own library and taste than some esotheric audiophile bullshit wording ever can. More people should do that instead of regurgitating whatever marketing points they had shoved down their throats by the sellers.


We getting a new set up for the vids? Sheeeeeesh. Big change. I feel like that room is iconic at this point in the IEM community lol


Nicely Done @hawaiibadboy


Got to say it. The best people committed to this crazy hobby are here on HFGF. Honest, from the heart and soul opinions, from REAL, actual end users, and dedicated reviewers. BS contributors are not tolerated, thanks to the stalwart efforts of the MODS, and Z simply allows the forum to run its course without interruption or interference. Long may it continue.


“If I Die Tonight” Does anything change on the net? No. Stick your hand in a bucket of water…pull it out as fast as you can. That’s the empty space you leave behind on the internet.
You clearly get what I’m sayin :ok_hand:

Nah I’m redoing that at new crib. :100:



My Google home just died…

200w (36)

I really REALLY lean on it.
Gonna try Alexa…

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Microsoft stuff’s is a bit fucked at the mo…could it be that?


It has been getting wonky (Google home) for about a year and I thought it was an internet connection I could just assign it to another Wifi but it’s just kinda dead.
Like a PC Google home just got slower and sloweeer. Maybe it’s their way of dumbing down the goods so I make a new purchase after having this 4 years.
Ima go Alexa just to try somethig new


Would like to add to my Murderer’s Row but no big money sets are tempting me…


I say try to have patience, something good is always around the corner and you can enjoy what’s already good in the meantime! Kinda wonder if anything big is gonna be annouced at CJ London…


Hopefully my kit will be there soon)


all that’s missing is Lou Gehrig from the pic…


I would not want to face this lineup…I’d have to give Bob Meusel a little chin music


the fam is fine…thanx bro…hope the same for your wife and my man Kai…my wife has mentioned just how much he’s grown and asked how he is doing…he’s got a special place in her heart

even Mury the cat has instantly fit in…what a lovable male Tribble…he comes right up to your face and goes into a verbal tirade for what seems like forever…he won’t shut the fuck up until you pick him up…

but for his age…amazingly… he likes to mix it up with ya

good luck with the move…your gonna fuckin luv it…halfway through your move you’re gonna say to yourself…MAN I GOT A LOTTA SHIT…doesn’t seem that way at first but believe me…you will… from experience…but you know…movin from the 50th state to land of the rising sun


Consider self hosting your smart home yourself (Home Assisstant).

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@hawaiibadboy Damn it!!! Mike is a legend at tuning!! Supercunt definitely throws of a metric ton of Singualrity vibes.

I feel Singularity has better bass control though and a tad bit more bump in the subbass. Seems to scale better to various recording qualities and genres. Vocals seem a bit thicker as well. Along with guitars seeming to have touch more thickness.

With that though the slight dip on SC opens the staging and details up a bit more. Vocals seem slightly ever so more forward as well. With guitars seeming to have just the smallest bit of extra bite. Along with the presentation carrying a bit more airiness.

I can’t say I’ll be selling Singularity as you did but, damn it does what I wanted. A cheaper set with Singularity vibes that I’m comfortable bringing out of the house. It definitely hits the mark for someone wanting to hear what Singularity jams like and doesn’t want to drop the extra coin for diminishing returns.



Yeah I sold Singularity because of Supercunt :ok_hand:


Is anyone ever going to post the Enigma graph?? :joy:


Lol I don’t think Softears is sending the Enigma out to many people, if at all. Shenzhenaudio said Softears is charging around $1900 for a demo unit, so even they’re shying away from doing a tour like with the Moondrop Solis 2. I know one reviewer on the Elise discord seems to have got one, but I believe he writes for Headfonia/Headfonics/one of these subjective-only websites.


Sounds like a red flag waving me away from buying :sweat_smile:


Air temp 100F
Pavement 147 (Infared Thermometer gun)
Without that shower every break it would be a heat stroke.
Love Summer