Slightly different use case to my ears. Similar size but they flare out a bit more. I also think they smooth over the treble a bit more and make the sound a bit warmer. I like them.
I got some of those final Fusion Gs as well… as well as some of those XINHS A02 tips, and the ever legendary Baroque, finally. I’ve been meaning to try them for a while.
Some pics shared with me privately by a member for my Son to see. Amazing stuff bro.
I’m on my way to trying to get remotely close to this. Thanks for the inspiration
It’s all about having fun and building those memories. This is one my daughter and I will remember. She told me where to point the phone camera during a meteor shower and we got this …
They absolutely do. I noticed on a lot of your post you are a boxing fan and that is one of the things my daughter now that she is a teen loves to do with me. She will never cease to amaze me. Same with your kiddo brother.
That’s cool.
I train with Kai’s Mom and will do with him in maybe 2 years and just let him watch.
I’m looking to get him into wrestling /BJJ from 3 years old so he can diffuse a situation in seconds.
Every moment with my son is a blessing.
Enjoy every moment with your daughter.
We are blessed
My Moms library was a great influence on me. We always connected there.
Hoping to do that with my Son.
That’s not a “I bought my phone in 1996” camera filter
That’s a 'Mommy got hand cream on her camera lens and Daddy will just pass his phone and ask to use his for important memories cuz Daddt doesn’t gunk up his cam"…filter
Tell the Mrs I said hello from Japan.
Yeah, what a joy to start his vocabulary with some Icons.
The first thing I remember reading was the inner fold of lyrics in the Dark Side of the Moon album
Those are amazing. First pic is wild.
I’m getting pulled in. I’m about to bleed money to do this well for Kai.
If I can post anything remotely like that in a year I’ll be stoked