Bad Guy Good Audio Reviews (A Million views?) Part 3/4

Here’s my Punch

Pretty much function as my primary priority. Using a nicehck 4.4 cable with final-E tips. Bonus is no earhooks.

My Arcadia & Pubch

Arcadia is rocking Punch’s stock cable without earhooks & final-E tips

Both aren’t aesthetically pleasing. Should’ve matched the cable with the colour scheme.
My current daily driver. Haven’t switched them until now. About 2 months. Absolutely adore em


@hawaiibadboy Here’s a great target for you and your boy to observe on the Moon


Thank you bro :sunglasses: :ringer_planet:

Flip ears Legion (1BC/1DD/1EST)

Kinera Celest Plutus Beast (1BC/1BA/1PL)

Were you curious about the Legion?

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how come there was never a review of these? looks like something you’d love? :slight_smile:

I’m going to go ahead and guess it was probably due to the timbre.

What a strange sounding set in the upper mids….


Dom wins he internet today

BA timbre was quite bad IMO.


allright! I never heard it and now it seems I dont have to. While giving out recs to people who wants to try the hobby i thought this could be a good one since it comes with two sets of above average tips. I find it hard to motivate people to spend as much on tips as on the IEMs for their first set :stuck_out_tongue:

btw, will there be a RA review or did you dislike it to the point of not making one? I dont remember if you have that rule of thumb that you only review what you like alot like crin and such ;D

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By this point, I know you well, sir. You and I are both pretty sensitive to that weird timbre in the upper mids. Same deal with the Davinci…


Do you know if the 8kHz peak on Legion graph is real or a measurement artifact?


@AudioAmigoReviews - calling the bat signal but the 8k should be measurement artifact. I didn’t hear any spikes on that side.

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100% a resonance peak. There is a big dip or spike on 99% of the IEMs I’ve measured on this coupler. It’s a consequence of the design of the 711 coupler and one of the big improvements of the B&K 5128.

The accuracy of a 711 coupler falls off starting between 6-8kHz depending on who you ask. Lots of peaks and valleys beyond this point might not exist, but if there’s a general upward or downward trend, that’s probably legit.

I personally don’t hear any peakiness in the Legion’s treble.


To add a little bit to it, that first peak, and all the peaks after it (resonance peaks) move depending on how deep you insert the IEM into the coupler. More shallow insertion moves the peak down closer to 6-7Khz. Deeper insertion pushes it closer to 9kHz.

I try to line up all my measurements so that the first peak is as close to 8kHz as I can manage. But it isn’t always possible due to the design of an IEM. Sometimes the nozzle is too short for me to line up the peak at 8K, so it ends up closer to 7. The opposite is also true.

Lining up the peaks at 8K or as close to it as possible means that you can better compare my measurements against each other.


I was living with that weirdness in Davinci just fine until both of of you put it out there, then it was over…hehe… still loved that tuning though :wink:


As long as you dig them, bro, that is truly all that matters!


Yo, Chris, I got to listen to the Valhalla @ CanJam today. All I can is, wow. Idk if I can justify the price tag, but honestly, they blew me away. My favorite IEM of the show by far.


I’m with family, interested in your fave 5. If you already posted somewhere please share
Hope you had fun :100:


Enjoy your time with the fam, brother! Happy to hear it.

Top 5?

  • Valhalla
  • Supernova Prototype
  • UM MEST Jet Black
  • UM Maven II
  • Cadenza 12

:handshake: enjoy your day, bro!


The B&K5128 has it’s own resonances and issues and on that front does not provide any improvement whatsoever over the 711, it actually provides more artifact problems in the measurements as now there are multiple step mass resonances due to its design to go with any entrance resonances which will also be harder to consistently align due to the 5128 seating issues.