ADIDAS, Nike all of em melt after 1 Summer of daily training on street.
Japan’s Summer is not something you hear many talk abou when talking about Japan.
(I didn’t anyway) it’s brutal.
Given all the talk of customer service in this thread I would like to highlight my Meze experience. I purchased the Alba’s and recieved them in October. After the typical abduction by my daughter I got them back, after New Year, and within a couple weeks noticed the finish was bubbling and peeling off.
I emailed Meze late last night. This morning I received an email which basically said, sorry about that we’ll send you a replacement set at the end of March when they are back in stock.
No fuss, no bother, just an apology and a rectification of the issue. Outstanding customer service.
Fat Frequency take heed; this is how you deal with complaints.
I used to have an active job and I never appreciated the good shape it kept me in. Now I sit at a desk all day, I need to do this shit.
Lets keep it going all Spring/Summer. No pain no gain
Train till you feel like you are about to die and back off throttle just a tad.
You can post anytime all the time .
Unless you’ve been sedentary for years and you’re over 50 it’s a good way to die of a heart attack. Just saying…
20 miles on my Onewheel yesterday. It’s Spring already!
I started working out about a month ago, ya know, the whole ‘new year resolution’ thing… of course I somehow hurt my shoulder in the process and I haven’t been able to use it for the full range of motion for weeks… go figure haha
I think you are younger than me? (37)
It will be better with some rest then stretch good using apps which have excellent 5 minute guides.
“5 minute abs” is one of the series that works really good. Think they have a stretching one or no doubt a buncha them are available for free.
It’s only month 2 of 2025 so you got plenty of time to recover and dive back in
Depending on your arm/chest/back ratios, it may be that using machines or barbels for certain exercises will cause irritation or more serious inflammation. For years, as much as I enjoyed them, barbel bench presses irritated my right should. This then had a knock-on effect on my other shoulder exercises.
About six months ago, I finally dropped barbel bench presses out of my routine, swapping in dumbbell chest press instead. No shoulder problems since!
100%, I tried to do some half ass stretching before lifting but it obviously didn’t work lol and to think I’m “only” 29… but I feel like I’m 47, never mind 37 lol
But you’re right. Need to get on my stretching game first and foremost.
@Go-Kart I’m just rocking with a 25 lb kettle bell for now, I don’t have much room in my Apartment, one of the perks of living in the city lol but that’s a good tip. Maybe I did a certain exercise that irritated my shoulder… I’ll have to look into it more.
Summer is so hot and humid combined. Basically as tropical as possible. Been there twice during summer (June and July) and once during Winter.
Christmas is so dope in Tokyo though but, even beyond all the Christmas decorations at every single station, the weather was just so nice in comparison.
All this talk about Japan… I have to make it out there some day. I was having a little ‘stroll’ through some parts using Street View as I sometimes do and man, even the more rural areas seem so nice.
Japan is truly one of a kind.
I went from a desk job to a physically active job
My weight hasn’t changed, but that is not the whole story. Constantly manhandling a hundred pound piece of equipment has put on some muscle and trimmed my waist a bit.
Want to add that it will also be really beneficial to not only stretch, but to warm up those shoulders using really light weight and higher reps before going heavier.
Nice. Dumbbell bench is such a better movement than barbell bench honestly. Unless you care about your bench press strength there’s really no reason to do it with a barbell if you have access to dumbbells!
LOL! You sound like the younger 30 year olds I used to work out with
Can also try warming up the the muscles and joints through movement as opposed to traditional stretching. Like for shoulders I do 2 sets of 30 reps of:
- rotator cuffs with small pink dumbbells
- lateral raises with like 5 lb dumbbells
- forward and backward swings with no dumbbells
Shoulders don’t have issues after that unless I do too much barbell bench
Woops just realized I said the same thing as you!
Educational content for sure. I’m sure you demonstrated this before. I didn’t got notification for earlier vids finishing the planar wars. Kiwi with another banger huh… Niceee
@hawaiibadboy so the Alpha omega RA is another banger huh? Is this a gem , like EJ07?
I’ll personally wait for the LetShuoer Serenade, not something to take outside but that set looks dope AF. Looks like a stable wood body.
I’m more of the fan of the clear resin build. The regular Kinda lava is fking fantastic