yes…ER2, 3 and 4…wonderful sound, horrible fit.
Kbear Neon recommendation is new to me. any way to check the nozzle size against the JBL 125BT?
yes…ER2, 3 and 4…wonderful sound, horrible fit.
Kbear Neon recommendation is new to me. any way to check the nozzle size against the JBL 125BT?
hmmm…I guess I will have to try these.
I’m in Canuckistan…do you have any suggestions for who has the best price?
Note that these are ancient by chifi standards, must be from around 2021.
I dont know, im in Sweden.
I was wondering, how durable would you say good earphones are? As in, how long do they last with daily use? Like I mentioned before, I’m a bit sick of my 206 dying every year or two
Both iems and buds should last longer than that one you got, that one looks really flimsy. But generally speaking headphones should be “tougher” and can handle rough treatment better than iems and buds afaik.
Good to know, thanks. I’m mostly just concerned about the wear that comes from normal daily use, so hopefully I’ll get on okay with how long earphones last.
I’ve spent a while with both of my new earphones (moondrops & FAAEL), and unfortunately it turns out I can’t stand shoving things into my ears. Thanks for the suggestions, but I need headphones.
I’ve managed to borrow a family member’s Sony 7506 to give another try (maaan it was a relief to put actual headphones on again ). I like it more than I remembered. I still notice a touch of sibilance but not as bad as I thought, and it’s overall more fun to listen to than my 206; more detail, better soundstage, more bass. However, I find that vocals tend to sound slightly more tinny and thin than on my 206, which I guess is because the 7506 has harsh mid-highs/highs for bringing out any issues in the mix. I could get used to it, but I’m interested in seeing if I can get something a bit more natural sounding.
I’ve been finding myself going in circles looking at various studio headphones, partially because it’s pretty common to come across opinions that contradict each other. I don’t specifically need my headphones to be studio-focused, of course, that’s just where I seem to keep coming back to.
I’m quite interested in the Sony M1 (assuming I’m going to be able to afford it, I’m not certain right now), but I’ve seen conflicting opinions about whether it’s any less harsh than the 7506. The DT770 (32 ohm) also seemed quite interesting, but I’ve seen someone claim it’s bad for rock/metal, and conflicting opinions on whether it’s got harsh treble.
There’s also the Sennheiser 560s and 569. Both seem good, but ideally I want to avoid an open back like the 560s so I can use it in more situations (although I’m not totally ruling it out), and I’m put off from the 569 by the ear pads which apparently don’t last very long.
I guess at some point I’ll just have to take a chance and go for one of them (or get another 7506!), but I’d appreciate some input about what would make more sense for someone who listens to lots of rock + a bunch of other stuff (jazz, electronic, folk, lo-fi, random pop from the 60s to 2010s, etc).
Consider the Sony MDR-CD900ST, that should be a better 7506 (still the default monitor in japan).
M1ST also exists.
Beyer stuff is known for “beyer peaks” so I definitely wouldnt rec them, especially not for rock/metal, although if you want rock/metal then I say the Koss KPH30i would be better than the sony as it has the mid-bass you need for those genres.
Senn 560S is imo worse than the Koss KSC75 (sold mine cuz of it) and I found it pretty shouty, in comparison the CD900st is not nearly as shouty to me.
Thanks for the suggestions, I’ll have a proper look at reviews when I get the chance. The Koss you mentioned both seem very impressive value! How are the KPH30i and MDR-CD900ST when it comes to drive-ablilty? Will I need an amp/dac to use them from a laptop etc?
Neither of them clarify if sensitivity is in db/mw or db/v but db/mw is the standard way so I am assuming that.
You need less than 1vrms to drive the harder to drive koss. So you can run both on anything. Do note that the CD900st comes with a 6.35mm cable (VERY long one).
Thank you!