Competitive gaming cans

auto chess is great nice simple kinda card game feel to it. but i see where your coming from. we all have our confort games that we play when we get home from work and just wanna get lost.

Just curious, have you played Doom 2016? I love the no BS just action approach in a modern game. Also super fun to play on speakers with a sub, or a bassy headphone

I have not. 2016 was spent mostly playing Overwatch, Battlefield, and CS:GO.

Doom 2016 sounds like something I should do for fun sometime soon, like after MrSpeakers is done and I get my next headphones from Massdrop (and then burn them in).

@M0N @JVerbit HAve you guys played Hellblade? that game is just a binaural treat! put on the headphones with the best imaging you have and just get lost . it’s not a very old school game but is a nice cinematic game witha decent story.

Is there an adapter I could use with the dt880 that would then connect into my pc?

The cable should come with have a screw on 1/4 inch adapter installed that you unscrew to reveal a 3.5mm jack that should work in a computer or phone

Seems pretty neat, I’ll definitely be checking it out when I get the time!

I did not, but I recall watching a friend stream it. I’ll have to add it to my list of Steam games to get around to play!