DAC Recommendation $200-$800

Well that’s pretty sweet, hope you enjoy it :+1:

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ohh, trust me, I will. Now just need to do some shopping around for the LCD-X.


I’ve tried that entire stack stack with the LCD X. You may want the LCD 3 for the warm over the x with that amp.

Something also to consider, the LCD XC has been noted by some as one of the best closed backs (personal opinions) but the open backed sounds slightly better? After I heard that comment from a few videos from the last canjam, I wondered if I should have purchased the XC instead.

Looks one of my local stores around me has a pair of LCD-2 Classics

* Link * Its in Japanese but, its two towns over from me.

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A lot of reviews I’ve seen have been negative regarding the XC. It’s really good for studio use but it has some flaws, particularly from 1 to 2 khz where variations of the xc show 7 to 11 db peaks. Normally measurements only tell half of the story, but apparently many feel this is an audible peak.

I was actually interested in the xc but the reviews have been predominantly negative and mixed. I still would like the opportunity to hear it for myself, but I’ll admit that I’ve been scared off of these. Especially because so many praise the LCD-X, which I’m probably going to buy eventually.

If I had the money or found a good deal, the LCD-MX4 is the one I really wish I could get.

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They did make a few revision that addressed some of the concerns semi-recently so take that into account. I did like the most recent versions, but honestly idk if I would personally buy an x or xc for myself (I do like them though)


I guess ill just try out a couple pairs. Just seen on the Audeze website a couple of dealer locations around Tokyo that have new and used gear with demos.

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Yes if you can go try some out yourself do so for sure

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That’s interesting. I wonder what actual changes were made.

You know I’m in agreement with you on the Audeze LCD-2 2.2 pre fazor being the best LCD-2 version, but I never see those on sale on the used market often. But, for me the LCD-X would be a good upgrade from the LCD-2C.

The MX4 sounds very appealing to my preferences, but I would have to wait for a good used price.

Yeah for sure, I was just noting my preferences, not suggesting anything else lol

Yeah sometimes they pop up for really good prices, so do keep your eye out for one

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Having the ability to audition some headphones is awesome. I cant stress enough how great that is. This is always the smartest and most optimal way to shop. Just make sure that if you have a DAP or use a phone, bring it with you so that you can test your own music, and not some cherry picked ones the store may have for you to listen to.

Where I live we only have speaker shops, but no places to audition headphones. I used to rent headphones from lumoid to audition them, but lumoid doesn’t do audio rentals any longer.

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Luckily I have my fiio e17k aplein I can use. This is exactly what I was thinking.