Discussion thread on THIEAUDIO HYPE 2/4/10...; THIEAUDIO Prestige LTD/OG and other interesting IEMs

I was right…


My go-to IEM is a UM Mest MKII. I’m looking at both the Monarch MKIII and the Hype 10. Curious about what I should go with. Hype10 does seem like it would offer a funnier listen, while it may not be as tonally correct as the MKIII, I think that makes the Mest mk2 so fun for me. Thoughts? Listening to a few sound demos on YouTube I think they both sound good. Seems the MKIII would do better with lighter music, jazz, and classical, whereas the Hype 10 is more in your face and may be suitable for Rock, Pop, and Blues, this is what I listen to mainly heavier guitar and drum-focused music.


Welcome to the forums!

I have yet to hear any MEST IEM, however, I’d say that considering the MEST 3 may be redundant to you already owning the 2. At lease the Hype 10 will give you a different experience altogether.


I was referring to the Monarch MKIII, not MEST MKIII, guess I should have worded that better. Yeah, I’m not interested in another MEST version.


That’s probably my bad, I should have read your post a little more carefully.

I’ve heard the Monarch 3 but not the hype 10 so I definitely don’t want to steer you in the wrong direction in this one. I’ll let someone chime in here who’s heard both


I ended up going with the Monarch MKIII. I was also able to save $100, which was nice. I feel the Monarach is going to be better at some of the technicalities that my ear will pick up on, but I’m sure it will be minimal. Also hearing the Hype has even more bass quantity than the MKIII also steered me away. And lastly, I didn’t care for the faceplate on the Hype 10, kinda cheesy in my opinion. I’ll let you know what I think of them. Cheers!


Congrats, brother. I think either which way you went, you would have been happy. The Monarchs are great IEMs, I can confirm that because I’ve had my ears on them.

Happy listening!


giphy (6)

That was the YT review I had mentioned. The superlatives in the review seem, let’s say, sound “off”. Is he being truthful or sarcastic? Now if SuperReviews was heaping those superlatives then that would be substantial, IMO.

Until I get more data points, I am quite interested but watching.

I have the DUNU DN-480 another “isobaric” like the Doscinco. Bass cannon, but it was designed to be that.

The DN-480 graphs like this:

I wonder if the bass on the Doscinco might be a bit too much for me?

For me, the Doscinco bass will be too much. I like bass, but not this much.


I am confused. too much bass?
Just kidding. I typically feel that way about the overly spicey treble, so I get it.

I have found that some of too much bass sets are a lot of fun, and I have been surprised at how many different ways bass can be tuned and still enjoy it. KBear Rosefinch is a good example, and I betting the new QKZxHBB Hades will be as well.


I agree, my rule is that a set may have too much bass …on some tracks, but will be awesome on others. But if a set is too spicy …eh…it’s too spicy pretty much always.


It seems you don’t read the main IEM discussion thread then you’d know that it’s not meant sarcastic. But true it’s not a review it’s me raving like a fanboi. I’ll change the video title.
My take on reviews and reviewers in general became rather disillusioned over time (that’s whole topic on it’s own), so I don’t even try to be that objective review guy that tries to encompass everything and all aspects of IEMs.
I find talking endlessly about the unboxing experience and accessories tiring. I’m more like a Linux shell in this regard: I’ll report if something is wrong, off or broken. I want to cut to the chase and know how it sounds.

On paper they have too much bass, the difference is that they play stick you lips out good and addicting. The effect they have on me is that I actively seek out the bass heavy tracks in my library.
In the end it boils down to: use the right tool IEM for the genre you’re listening to.


You came off as less than sincere or over-hyping. Take it as constructive criticism or however you want. Peace

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:sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :laughing: :laughing:


Strange comparison between H10 and Advar. :smiley:
BTW I’ve listened to Advar on demo and I didn’t like it, I didn’t like it at all :wink:.


I was about to fall asleep watching the review…
