Discussion thread on THIEAUDIO Valhalla, Origin, HYPE 2/4/10...; THIEAUDIO Prestige LTD/OG


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Hype 2 is basically a Raptgo Hook with better fit, more dynamic sound and a little more resolution in all frecuencies.


I really appreciate everyone’s feedbacks and opinions. Will consider all of them and try and improve my future reviews based on them. Thanks!


So I thought this might interest you guys. I actually monitored a little 300 person show my band played as a warm up since we’re restarting our tour soon with the OG Prestiges since I grabbed the wrong case and left my 64Audio A18ts at home. I slapped some foam tips on those bad boys and I was very pleasantly surprised at how well they did. As a drummer, while monitoring I have the hardest time tracking the vocalist and rhythm guitar and both came through loud and clear but not overly so which can cause me to play louder than necessary. These are one of the few IEMs meant for musical enjoyment that actually perform well for true live monitoring duties. These, the AKG N5005, and my modded Letshuoer S12s are the only commercial, music oriented IEMs I have monitored live with and felt comfortable while doing it and I thing the OG Prestiges were the most capable of those three. I’m going to try the Subtonic Storms at a show tomorrow night to see how that goes just for funsies.


Welcome to HFG! Have fun and stick around!

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Zeos is using hyperbole when he says that the Prestige LTD is impossible to drive; It’s maybe slightly above average, nothing like, say, Storm or Helios SE where you actually need desktop-equivalent powah.


I couldn’t count how many times Zeus used the endearing word “F*ck”. But still the review is very impressive…

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Impressions soon… :shushing_face:


To say how impressed I am with these gems I’ll just say that I don’t have an IEM that reproduces this better in my collection… Great layering, good resolution, stage and bass! I don’t understand people who don’t like the HYPE2 for e-music, it’s a fantastic IEM.
More impressions in 1-2 weeks.


Yeah, I’ve been daily driving them for 2+ months now. I think these will be my reference IEMs for a long while.


In fact, after a few hours of listening, the HYPE2 is tonally similar to the Mele (it may seem strange to some, but it’s a fact), but with much better technical characteristics and a different configuration, as well as a slightly more neutral sound. Passes the DD speed, transitions, layering and resolution test with this album. With the HYPE2, I hear some things in this album that I didn’t even hear with the IE600, which speaks of good hardware and setup.

This is an IEM for those who like a more compact stage and a very safe and musical sound with great layering.

^^^This sounds delicious, powerful, musical and spectacular on HYPE2. The stage is not very wide, but it has depth and very good height. I can hardly believe my ears that the tuning is better than my more expensive IEMs.


:fire: :fire: :fire:


I believe you on this one. When I demoed it I found it lacked air/extension.


If it has a lot of treble extension, dudes don’t like IEMs as much because of it. If it doesn’t have that much treble extension, dudes still don’t like this IEM because of it. In my opinion, if there was more energy on top, it would change the tonal setting and become loud and bright for metal and not only metal. In general, it is difficult to find fault with the HYPЕ2 tuning.
It’s tonally correct across most of the sound spectrum with a very natural, uncluttered, musical sound without pushing anything forward except maybe a little bass. The good thing is that they didn’t spoil the setting with a predominant mid-bass, and the sub-bass is in a slightly larger amount. The sound is slightly warmed, but not warm and not dark, as some “experts” say :thinking: :smile:


After giving my thoughts on the set a bit of time, my overall evaluation of the set changed quite a bit.

While at first I would have called it a „Mini Monarch“, that isn’t really the case since the Hype 2 isn’t an Allrounder like the MMk3.

The Hype 2 really shines with genres like Metal, Electro and Rock - but then, that‘s it. I didn’t particularly enjoyed listening to vocals on the set (compared to my OG Oracle), I didn’t particularly like Instrumental and Classical (unlike with my Kato). HipHop was good. It‘s not for JPop or KPop either, lacks the treble sparkle and quality. Jazz wasn’t a particular standout as well.

Now - I am completely aware that me owning the MMk3 makes me incredibly biased (since that set is just far better in every aspect, but also costs far more).

The issue I have with the Hype 2 is this: as some hypothetical person who wants a sound like this, why get the Hype 2 when I could buy the Truthear Zero:Red for a fraction of the cost and get 95% of what the Hype 2 has to offer?

Between the Prestige Ltd and the Monarch Mk3, I found the Hype 2 to be the somewhat lackluster third wheel in that release lineup (factoring in the price difference between them as well)

I‘m not trying to get you to not like them btw; if you enjoy them, then that‘s great! It‘s just that my opinion of the set has shifted quite vastly.

In my experience, people usually rather drown themselves in bass than treble. The overall majority of people seems to be treble sensitive really, and having the right amount of treble for them is a difficult balancing act.

I‘m really glad I ain’t treble sensitive, because that was I can still enjoy sets that have ungodly amounts of it (like the Starfield 2 :‘) )