1980’s Cadillac Wheel!
Can’t unsee that!
See just like a Caddy fully loaded! That’s one impressive drive load for sure!
“Coil-based” bc = bass shaker type. yay, hopefully this does something unlike the other ones in chifi lol.
The only coil type I’ve tried is in the pula anvil, and it was really underwhelming after listening to the sonions in Shock. As always it’s an implementation/quality question… actually I think the BQEYZ Wind was great and it has the coil type; it gave that special midrange separation I’ve come to expect.
The sonion type is VERY different from the bass shakers, those are aimed at the upper-mids/treble area while the bass shakers operate mainly in the 100-300hz area. Unless its a “full range” bass shaker (like those aftershokz) in which case it is doing a lot more than that.
Interesting take, I haven’t tried the Wind yet; how does it stack up against the Pula Anvil?
I just listened to Anvil very briefly, and it’s been months since I heard Wind, so take this lightly:
The tunings are very different, Wind is more vocal-forward/mids centric while Anvil is more prominent in its midbass. Wind felt neutral, balanced, with great separation in the mids. Anvil felt a bit boring, with less resolution in the mids but some fun midbass punch. The Wind costs ~2x as much I think, so maybe it’s a bit harsh comparing the two. I’d pick the Wind every time.
edit: ah, the Wind (~$250) is only about 25% more expensive than the Anvil, at least on hifigo. I think Anvil (~$200) can be had cheaper than that though.
Thanks for the breakdown! Sounds like the Wind really shines in the mids, which is a huge plus for me. I’ve been curious about the Anvil too, but it looks like I might be leaning toward the Wind now. Appreciate the comparison!
Also been enjoying that album recently with Kiwi Ears Punch
Been waiting for Kiwi Ears to get the review program started on the Punch, sounds like a awesome set
Looks super aesthetic. Nice shot and a beautiful set
Chinese New Year Appreciation Post!

Sharing some cool shots of the FatfreqxHBB Deuce and the Tangzu Wan’er S.G.
Hope you guys enjoy them!!
Great clicks!
The jade of the Wan’er and the metallic grey of the deuce look so good in this light!