(EU) Upgrade from zen stack & DT 880 600 ohm?

Don’t know the seller but :man_shrugging:

Thanks for the link but that would be a bit far, I would have to take a plane for that lol or a rather long ass train ride.

But I can’t decide between the two/three.
the more I read the less I know. People have conflicting opinions on the stock versions and then it seems especially the th900s are modded to the moon and back with anything from EQ to mods that change literally every single part of the headphones including the drivers themselves.

Realisitcally the 7200s would be easiest and most cost effective, but it seems damn near everybody agrees that while they are almost the same as the 9200…everybody seems to go back to the 9200 despite the cost even.

Soundstage an bass is also al over the place…sometimes they are all close enough, other times either one has the distinct advantage…that’s not even considering mods.

it’s doing my head in…

Ah good old audio fomo XD
Just sleep some nights over it and than do the first thing that comes to your mind after you did all your research :stuck_out_tongue:


This actually could be good recommendation or the elex on headphones .com but I’m going to put my standard F focal comment since qc sucks.
Another recommendation that I really enjoy for stage and just overall natural sounding tuning would be meze 109 pro.

Wait hold on… I forgot this existed.
Would a dbx goRack do anything for me?
The DT8880 can apparently down to 5hz, so adding subbass might help round out the bass?

I mean I have no idea where to get one, I guess second hand too, but that should add some body no?
They seem fairly cheap, I could still upgrade the amp with this.

How do the Beyerdyanmic T1s fare?
I’m now seeing them being compared to the 9200 and being similar to the Dt880 but across the baord better and having more bass and sounstage than the 9200…that…sounds good?

And open back & not leather cups.so less hot.

love them myself, cant say theyre bass cannons but defenitley more the the 880
imo their best atribute is soundstage and imagining, but without the right amp they can bite luckily my bhc
does an excellent job driving them for me
also have dekoni suede pads on they for better comfort and a bit of a less treble and a slight midbass bumb ^^

So I could potentially get pearl white mk2s for 950 or 9200 for 750.
Those seem like pretty good prices to me? The Mk2 bit less but it seems the pearl whites have a different tuning that probably matches the dt880s more than the “stock” version.

The goRack didn’t pan out unfortunately, I would have given that a shot otherwise. There are still some but I am not paying 200 for an experiment that isn’t likely to do all that much.

Gen 3 or 2 T1s for around the 500 mark and the 7200 is up atm with a bid of 300 and 0 bids on it. (not checked yet if they ship to me though). 300 for the 7200 would be pretty nuts. Probably won’t stay at that price though, usually they also hover around 500ish.

I’m still not entirely off amp shopping though, in order to continue with the DT880s.
Only issue is that there are no good second had options it seems.
Couldn’t find a vioeletric V222 or balanced tor audio, except for one that costs about as much as new.
The idsd 2 would have to be new since it is literally new, but would be the perfect candidate for seeing if I can see a difference in the DT880s.

Well and I am still curious about the custom cans modkit lol.

Haven’t checked out Tube amps which supposedly work well with the DT880s.
The ones in europe seem to be mostly on the boutique/luxury item side, with a pricetag to match. Stopped looking lol.

Love my pearl white 900s

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thing holding me back on the fostex though is that it seems they come with a hidden price tag.
Cables for one and even something as simple as a pad change is expensive considering the pads people put on those to improve them. I suppose the pearl whites are fine as is though, people seem less inclined to change those. Not sure if that’s because of the sound or the rarity though.

As you can see I did pads,cable and headband. The cable is a hart audio cable that’s cheap, original pads from ZMF bstock and ZMF pilot pad. All of these were purely comfort upgrades.

hm if you simply want to try some tubemagic with the 880 a xduoo mt 602 or a little dot mk2 (could also be a mk1 or mk3 cant remember which one was the cheapisch little tube hybrid ) would give you some idea how it sounds :stuck_out_tongue: and as hybrid amps it would also work with low imoedance cans ^^
for the 7200 think i got mine used for around 370 so 300 with no bid could work but im also seeing some for sale on hifishark for a bit under 400€

I have a small fx-audio tube preamp, that smoothies everything out just a tad.
I was to get an amp instead of headphone it would have to be decent upgrade to the Zen can on top of the tube sound. But I’m less convinced about that part, since the can already has like 15V iirc.

People seem to agree though that a decent OTL would also positively affect the bass.

That’s what…an easy extra 200?

Nah maybe $130, bstock sales have great pricing. And you can do something like a brainwaves pad if you don’t have access to ZMF.

ha just fond the power supply for my zen can, can try to demo my 880 on some amps for you
got a bhc, ta20, g111 and v280 here right now
tell me which might intrests you and if its rock or metal :kissing_heart: i could also try some tracks :wink:

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I think I would get the ta26 over the20, but let’s give the ta20 a shake.
And the V280, don’t see one on sale now but that would really be “nuclear” power.

and thanks a lot :slight_smile:

then ill try my bhc its also a otl amp so it will give you a good approximation :wink:

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I am assuming this is going to be testing without the custom cans mod?
I could see how maybe the extra power would have a more pronounced effect on a heavier driver compared to stock.

Also, sorry, I never replied on the music taste lol.
Very much both, rock and metal. I don’t listen to anything particular really I just let youtube do it’s thing.
So not picky about the music at all, Swing, Jazz, irish lilting, Gabba, reggae… wherever the algorithm takes me lol. But yes, metal is my jam.

That said, I usually use this one to test bass:

Has a nice mix of bass tempos, punch, thump etc.
At around the 37:00 mark you have for example a nice dry punchy bass.
It has a certain sound to it that I like, it’s not JUST a thump.

Now I can turn up the bass on the tube preamp to the point that they will visibly vibrate a sheet of paper lying on the headphones with no noticeable distortion (to me).
This is at like 09:00 on the volume knob and it’s already loud enough that I would not listen to this for any prolonged amount of time.

But there isn’t more slam to it for it and it looses the sound and just becomes an indistinct loud bass.
Kind of like …blurring it if it was a picture?
It’s not that it sounds bad or even out of control to me. I’m not sure how to put this tbh.
It is overpowering the rest a bit at that point, but that’s not even my main gripe.
It’s kind of like it looses it’s musical qualities and becomes just bass for the sake of it. Not sure that makes sense?

So what I am looking for is more of that slam really. Like they’re almost there.
It sounds good but it just doesn’t kick you enough.
Same for the sub bass, it lacks a little bit of body. Not a ton but they need bit more weight for me.

What I like about the DT880 is that the bass is still part of the music. I would not call it weak per se.
It works and I would not want to sacrifice that but yea, they’re not taking you for a ride either.

for subbass this one is nice:

That vibrates them even at normal listening levels. Like, I haven’t listen to basshead headphones but you can’t tell me that the DT880 don’t have bass.

Even so, again, they’re just a little shy of being great. Good, but not great.
Although on that particular track it doesn’t take a lot of bass boosting to fix that and then some.
Could maybe stand to reverb a little longer, but that one is honestly fine for me.