Goober's Journey Into the IEM Game or "Why Are You Not As Good As....?"

But I think you understand better than you give yourself credit.

I found Quintet to be a perfectly good IEM that could be enjoyable for many people but I don’t personally find myself enjoying it as much.

For a lot of people, that’s VERY Brussels sprout-y lol


Quintet is a great upgrade from the Olina :+1: Very similar as both are bright leaning. Just a heads up though I found it a bit too metallic in the timbre but YEMV. Lots of detail, like Blessing 3 levels :notes:

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Would you say Quintet is an uograde to Oxygen Jay? Old king vs new king?

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Been a long time since I’ve heard Oxygen, but going based off Olina (same driver and very similar tuning), yeah

Thanks for the Quintet review. I am firmly in the who it is not for camp ( treble sensitive basshead ).

I was trying to figure out why people are raving about it, despite it looking like other things I wasn’t nuts about. It seems like Olina, which I like, but I love warmer stuff more. Olina gives me enough meaty bass to balance the spicy bits, and I tend to like IEMs where the line goes down after 4k.


I think it is not THAT close to Olina, definitely it is not as shouty. The rave is because if is very fun (making the music very enjoyable) and technically potent (separation, details, cleanliness) set and it has cool driver configuration. Just the way it engages in music while being very detailed is very similar to Olina.

I myself haven’t heard a set this good in this price range before. Though I guess it just fits my taste very well


I see nothing in common in FR between the two IEMs. :smiley: Completely different. The tuning of the Kiwi is more refined, but let’s not forget that it is a different configuration.


Well, I know what you are saying, but from experience they make you getting enveloped in music in quite similar way. They are quite “wet” (as oppostie to dry) and “colourful” if that gibberish wording makes any sens


The graph is dissimilar but remember: BAs don’t need the same amplitude on a graph for your brain to perceive more of it.

DD upper mids (especially sized 10mm or less) that graph equal to BA upper mids tend to sound softer. Same with treble. They most often need more energy to match other driver types in perceived SPL


At the start of all this, I brought the comparison between Olina and quintet because of the description @GooberBM makes of the quintet: it reminds me what I feel/hear with my Olina: balanced set leaning bright with great technicalities and details for it’s price range.

If the FR is different, it is even better to me: the Olina would not become obsolete :wink:


I also don’t think graphs are everything. I still think one of things I like about the P1 Max is that it is one of the few IEMs that reminds me of the OG Tea, and it does it at a reasonable price. Beyond being a bit flatter than most, those two graphs don’t have much in common, not to mention different driver configs, which is huge for how we perceive the sound.

@GooberBM is spot on that BAs never need as much amplitude, and it seems like planar always shows more treble on a graph than I can hear.

It seems like everyone is proclaiming the Quintet the upgrade path from Olina. Most seem to be adding the caveat that the bass isn’t as engaging as Olina. That will be ideal for many, but for me that makes it a pass.


How close would you say the p1 max comes to the OG tea?

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I doubt it is a real upgrade of Olina SE.

It’s an upgrade if you say/think it is. Most sets really are sidegrades, except in tuning differences and internalized perceived improvements.

At a certain level most sets are either a binary of good or bad.

Everything after that is you assigning values to things


They are different, both in terms of sound and driver config, but they have some timber similarities. I think the reduced pinna, and flat treble are what make them seem similar, to my ears at least. The odd part is that having the P1 Max got me to listen to different types of IEMs.

The OG Tea has more detail than the P1 Max, but it is nearly 3x the price, so that is to be expected. The Tea turns the treble down, which makes it seem like it has more bass. The Tea also has better imaging, but I tend to find that most planar IEMs have flat imaging.

Both of them manage to sound less like their tech, and more like good IEMs. The P1 Max was criticized for sounding like a good DD, which is odd since it is a planar. The Tea didn’t sound like a multi-BA set, and has a very coherent sound, which was only a thing on pricier sets at the time ( hybrids are getting cheaper and better in the last couple years, Hexa and Galileo are both under $100 ).

Goob labels the Tea as a QDC-style and the P1 Max as mid-centric, and I see his logic as to why, but they overlap a bit, and I find both great for vocals and guitar. As a classic and prog rock fan, those are sort of my thing.


That is a very powerful statement

Agreed, we always compare new sets to existing ones, and tend to say better/worse at thing-A than set-X. Maybe more so for things that our community is likely to have as a shared reference point. If I rewind a few years, everything got compared to the BLON-03, Aria/Starfield, or even the Legacy 2. Olina became a standard, and I am guessing the EA500 is the most recent thing that most have heard.


I have to respectfully disagree with your ranking based on my library and tonal preferences. I rank them as an A, and the food comparison would be Brussel Sprouts with Bacon


Whooo! Tell me I’m an idiot. That’s it, do it!!!

DO IT!!!

You gotta love it :slight_smile:


So I did a day two redux on the FIIO FF1, took off the full foams and went through the selection of foams they have. There were rubber donut foams (thin and thicker) that got it better but then the sound was still a bit off. I put on the foam donuts and that is the winner for me.

Thanks for this tip - I just tried the donuts and now the imaging is actually pretty ridiculous, plus liking the overall tonality. No longer “average warmed up”.

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@Rikudou_Goku This might be my modded Rosefinch I just sent down to @MMag05 to graph. It’s got a 350mesh on the nozzle, a 450mesh taped over the front vent and it might have a high-density foam in the nozzle but I forget

I freaking love this driver!