HeadAmp GS-X mini Balanced Headphone Amplifier/Pre-Amp

Just picked up my Norne cable from Walgreens.


Haha. I didn’t want to ‘call you out’!

I wished everyone would’ve chimed in two months ago when I initially inquired… :laughing:

I might pick one up next month after I purchase my BF2. This will give me the excuse I need to start buying higher impedance headphones. :blush:


I’m actually not sure if it’s a worthwhile addition to my setup or not yet. Comparing to a phonitor e, they are both excellent solid state amps. If I wanted to collect topologies it would be cool. The Gilmore Lite is a pure class A.

I’ll have more to say later on that, though, as I’m able to do more comparisons.


I’m in thought to sell my mini as now I have Woo WA33 pm if interested.

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I finally got mine in!

Mostly loving it so far except now I want to buy more gear to match it. I may need to try a few DACs since the BF2 and this thing either aren’t a great match or I haven’t found the right headphone to make the chain work to it’s fullest potential. I can firmly say I have 0 interest in getting Rebel amp at the moment.


It’s not an RNHP, this is more like the THX 887 I always wanted. The RNHP does something still to the sound I prefer.

That response was in regards to the Gilmore Lite mk2.

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Oops… my bad.

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No worries. I’m still interested in your thoughts on the GS-X mini.

In a very brief answer, it’s damn close to the RNHP but with less of whatever I enjoy out of the upper mids of the RNHP. I can honestly say that the THX 887 has little reason to exist presently with mini. So when you’re comparing amps to definitively answer something…

RNHP is $500 new. THX 887 is $400. This sounds nearly identical to the RNHP (which sounds better than the THX IMO with those mids that are just pleasing). Power? It’s got plenty. So if you get the GS-X mini you can get the benefits of the 887 and the sound of the RNHP. To get an Rupert Neve amp in the DAC/amp to compare to this amp is $4k. So pick your battles on what you’re choosing for your equipment the GS-X Mini is a solid recommend and hits max size of an amp I want near my computer.

Cool looking amp, but that is a TON of money. Sells for $2,500.00 in Canada.

Too rich for me, but sounds like an awesome amp! I will enjoy it vicariously through your reviews. :laughing:

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RNHP sounds pretty damn close and some instances more enjoyable which is $500 USD new.

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I have been thinking about that for months. I think I can get it up here for $599.00, plus tax or about $700.00, landed.

I bought mine used, works great and if you ever plan on getting the LCD X… that amp is a must (or Asgard 3 according to Hazi who hates that headphone).

Did I read that you said that it did it’s magic in the mids? I really am a vocals first kind of guy.

I am not a huge Audeze fan, but the LCD1 piqued my interest, based on price. More likely, if I was to buy an Audeze it would the LCD2 Classic.

Yes it does, more so than my mini which is kinda sad. It’s a weird sparkly upper mids. On the Ether CX it breaths some life into them that no other amp can.


Comparing the balanced out of the THX 887 and the GS-X mini… OMG the difference is night and day with the song . Piano and the scratchy sounds of the vinyl injected in the song… sound so much more accurate and in place on the GS-X mini. The brass on the song actually sounds pleasant and like actually brass on the mini instead this slightly compressed garbage from from the THX 887.

If you like listening anything that is acoustic, GS-X Mini stomps over the THX. Is it a fair comparison price wise? No… but it is what I got and I purchased the mini for all the reasons I purchased the THX initially just with a different budget. The GS-X Mini is delivering everywhere the THX 887 I hoped would which is:

  • Transparency
  • Accuracy
  • Power (single ended out performs the THX by far in a test with the PC37x cranked to 1.9k ohm impedance)
  • Analytical

Added benefits of the mini over the THX are:

  • Bass is clearer and less muddy
  • A touch of sweetness to the upper mids and highs (not to RNHP nor as holographic unfortunately)
  • Much more dynamic
  • No more THX veil/discoloring.

THX 887 advantage:

  • Still makes my Blond B20 just sing (don’t attempt if you’re treble sensitive), however the amp is still a bit dark.
  • Best listening experience to Star Wars movies still.
  • 3 stage gain still make this a favorite amp for IEM’s (untested so far on the mini so far).
  • The veil makes some crappier recordings more tolerable.
  • When you want compressed sound, this does a good job just naturally

Sounds cool! But, for four times the price it should spank the THX hard.

I bet planars sound a lot better through the GSX.

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Depends from headphone to headphone. The THX is amplifier that is darker, compressed, and there is a harshness to it with the upper mids and highs. Plus the veil I mentioned on THX is rather annoying once you understand it (and does not work well with the LCD X at all).

If love your Audeze headphones and need balanced out for the price, Schiit Jotunheim might be the better pairing here. Mind you I’ve never heard the Jotunheim just heard it compared to the THX 887 and comparing with my LCD X listening time. Mind you, one key gripe about the THX is worse on the Jotunheim which is the singled ended power is garbage.

The fact that at this price for the mini, I found an amp that the single ended performances is QUITE good, I have single ended and balanced balanced out with pre-amp at the flip of switch… I’m ready for a headphone amp now that I could eventually connect to Vidar’s as a mono blocks for a wonderful speaker experience if I choose too.