Also been seeing Fostex T60rp / T20rp’s a lot looking around. Would those be comparable to the 770’s?
Imaging wise? no, not even close.
Maybe a topping L30 e30 stack or even a Asgard 3 and modious stack if you really wanted to but very much overkill with the 770 250 ohm
I do intend on upgrading down the line so I’m ok with going for a bit overkill as long as it will help future proof a bit.
If I went with the L30 / E30 stack what cabling would I need to get with it? I have a desktop PC.
I would see if RCA cables come with the duo if not you will need those they are cheap and required to connect the units together. E30 on the other hand uses 2 usb’s 1 for power 1 for pc connection. While you can connect both of the E30’s usbs to a computer and have it run off the pc’s power I find it better to connect it to an actual Wall wart(like you do with a cell phone charger) as I found it made the sound cleaner to my ear.
a simple 5v wall power supply with a usb port on it will work fine or even a powered usb hub
Something like this can work as well as a replacement to the usb granted this is overkill
They do not come with RCA cables, but Hifigo has a package for the stack and cables so I went with that. I do have a powered USB hub but I also got the wall adapter to use and see if I can tell a difference. Now I just have to wait until it gets delivered! Thank you all who helped me out, I’m a mega casual and this was my first time looking for real headphones and not just a simple “Gaming” Headset. Now I just need to move so I can get open back headphones down the line Thank you all for your time and input!