they don’t change a ton (like the 4xx) but it does change a bit for the better… as far as an even sounding headphone with decent extension goes I think they are pretty sweet
bass might improve too because it goes pretty deep before it drops off @Pr3ssAltF4
Wow, thats great, tho with drawbacks I see. My friend has the same issue with highs. Part of what makes this such a cool hobby? All the variations of hearing, music preferences, and gear. As one who started life with mono 78s I say enjoy every moment of what we have now!!
I agree. I don’t know how the hell I still have good hearing considering the years I spent playing instruments, going to concerts, and spending some time in the Marine Corps with combat experience…I should be deaf as hell. Lucky I guess.
But you are right, it can be a gift and a curse. The Sundara though, IMO, are still the best sounding model that I personally have heard from Hifiman. It is a shame I’ve had 2 of them break on me, the latest one in February I bought brand new and the left driver was dead the next day. It all worked out though because of Amazon’s awesome return policy and I bought a pair of Focal Elegia, which I thoroughly love. Most open sounding closed back I’ve ever heard. Detailed but not offensive.
So for a little recap and correct me if i’m wrong the HD6xx are in the category for dynamic right? And for know haven’t made the purchase of an AMP. Those Starfield looks super pretty.
Navy band? That is awesome. When I was stationed at Quantico, I worked across the street from the Marine Corps Band, which was always fun going outside on my lunch break and listening to them.
The Focal Elegia have been going for good prices on and off the past couple of months on Amazon. I was able to get mine for $575, which is much less than full asking price. Sometimes you can find a used pair out there on the market for $400-ish too.
I agree. I don’t know how the hell I still have good hearing considering the years I spent playing instruments, going to concerts, and spending some time in the Marine Corps with combat experience…I should be deaf as hell. Lucky I guess.
Damn dude, the worst I did was drumline with no earplugs. If you escaped without noticeable tinnitus I’m jealous.
But you are right, it can be a gift and a curse. The Sundara though, IMO, are still the best sounding model that I personally have heard from Hifiman. It is a shame I’ve had 2 of them break on me, the latest one in February I bought brand new and the left driver was dead the next day. It all worked out though because of Amazon’s awesome return policy and I bought a pair of Focal Elegia, which I thoroughly love. Most open sounding closed back I’ve ever heard. Detailed but not offensive.
Hmmm, I haven’t had issues yet with my pair, but I’ve heard similar shit. I think I just got lucky.
Part of what makes this such a cool hobby? All the variations of hearing, music preferences, and gear.
Exactly. What I hear, can tolerate, and look for can be entirely different from what the next person does. It’s fascinating.
HD 6xx are dynamic.
I was debating between Elex and Sundaras. Elexs are still on the list of things to get (and then the rest of the good Focal line).
The good thing about both the Sundara and the Elex is they both have great resale value, should you eventually want to sell. I think the thing with the Sundara is that they scale better and if you have good amp synergy, they can sound extremely good.
Yea dude, the navy band is awesome (and thank you for your service).
Gotta mention the Hellcats and the Old Guard here though. Fucking insane. Couple of dudes I marched with in drum corps are there now.
I guess the conclusion here is, if you’re looking for a well regarded, well reviewed, good pair of headphones, sundaras are a great option. Just make sure you get them under warranty or at a site with a return policy in case the sound rubs you the wrong way or you run afoul of hifiman quality control.
that’s definetly a possibility tbh, that’s the main worry. that i may just not like planar sound. However i’m gonna still try it out since everything besides it being planar sounds right up my alley. if i don’t try another planar i can’t say for sure that i don’t like planar. and btw the adjective i was looking for in descibing the 4xx is sterile
Yes, the 6xx is $300 or so cheaper from Drop than it would be to buy
an HD650 new, and it’s essentially the same headphone. Its not my personal favorite, and it performs better on a tube amp, but has sold the amount it has based on the performance vs price. You can get a 58x for less, but if you still plan on the Atom as an amp, you should be able to see the increase in performance from the 58x to the 6xx
I’m just trying to think what I would do if I had to start this hobby from scratch all over again. The good news is that mistakes you make will inform your decisions for future purchases. I prefer dynamic headphones to planar mostly because I prefer tube amps which play up to dynamic headphones. If its all new to you, I think starting with the consensus entry level for each style ( I didn’t even mention electrostats) should help you determine where you want to put your money in the future. Personally, I like Planars, but I LOVE dynamics. There are amps and dacs that will benefit that preference as well. but I don’t think you can really make that call without a chance to hear them first
Yeah. So I’m planning going for the AMP first then the DAC do some listening and finally the 'phones itself. I will try the waters first to know if a tend to like more planars overall or dynamics. And the iem too.
Honestly, at the entry level you’re maybe better off starting with just your onboard audio. Everything suggested minus the 6xx should be ok without a dac/amp. if you go that route and decide you want to upgrade into planars, it’d be easier to help you with your chain