šŸ”¶ HiFiMan Sundara

Iā€™ll be honest, since weā€™re on the subject of ear padsā€¦

As much as I love the Sundaraā€™s, the stock pads are somewhat annoying. The left one seems to be alright most of the time, but I just can not find the sweet spot for the right one, to the point of it being uncomfortable.

While listening, I have to constantly tweak the position of the right ear pad to try and make it sit properly and comfortably. After about an hour or so, I end up taking them off and putting them away because it becomes just down right annoying, and as I said, a bit uncomfortable.

As it sits, these stock pads are taking the fun out of listening to the Sundaraā€™s.

If there were some pads out there that were just a touch larger in diameter, a little deeper, and a bit softer without altering the stock sound signature, Iā€™d get a pair to replace the stock ones ASAP.

Also, I think the Sundaraā€™s might be clamping down on my head just a tad too much as well, but I donā€™t want to bend/deform that spring steel headband out of shape.

Any thoughts/suggestions on possibly some pads that can be purchased within the US so I donā€™t have to wait 5 weeks? I know about the Dekoni pads. Any others?

I lived something similar but with an ATH R70x, where my right ear touched the inside of the headphone unfortunately, this just served to notice my right ear was the trouble :sweat_smile: and not the ear pads being different, have not noticed until this :stuck_out_tongue:

sundara or r70x is better? (comfort and the sound)

I canā€™t speak for any others but Iā€™m very happy with the Dekoni Elite Hybrids on my Sundara. They are a decent bit thicker than the stock pads and the foam is much more comfortable while also being more firm with regards to resisting any clamping force. I didnā€™t notice any major changes to sound signature from them either. I did order them through drop to save a ten bucks, was ordering some other stuff at the time anyhowā€¦


Those are the ones I was looking at last night actually. The frequency chart Dekoni provides shows very little if any change in sound, which is perfect. But man, 80 bucks! Probably worth it though.

Thanks for the insight!


the dekoni hybrid fits the description but the diameter is the same, about the clamping force I deformed a little the metallic headband by pushing it down many times.

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The diameter isnā€™t an issue honestly. That might have been said just because of my annoyance with the stock pad comfort, or lack thereof.

Also, just ordered the Dekoni Elite Hybridā€™s. Iā€™ll wait until I get those installed before I decided to attempt easing up the clamping power of the headband. The softer Dekoni pads might resolve that issue.

Actually the problem with the headband will be more evident with the dekoni because are softer but at the same time the memory foam doesnā€™t deform as much. Anyway good choice the confort will improve and the sound will be really close and almost impossible to tell apart I really was surprised when I realised that basically they are using a similar pad on the susvara as well.


Hmmm, sorry to hear about the discomfort. I am very fortunate in that these were comfortable for me right out of the box. I have not had to do a thing to them except enjoy them. And I am. Hoping that the new pads do it for you.

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I thought this was going to be a problem for me when I received mine, as my noggin is about the same size as the Second Death Starā€¦ Surprisingly it was not the case. Whatever Dekoni does for their foam, they must be doing something rightā€¦


LOL! Same here. I have a rather large noggin as well.


Another pad I was interested too is the kennerton because is deeper and is a semi fenestrated. Does anyone have experience with it or with others pads?

Iā€™m also interested in the Kennerton pads. The Headphone Experience seems to think they improve the sound quality. Anyone have any thoughts?

Well listening to the Sundaraā€™s with the new Dekoni pads for the past few days, the new pads really havenā€™t solved the comfort issue Iā€™m having.

I still get the same discomfort by my right ear, but just to a lesser degree. That and I just canā€™t seem to get these cans to sit on my head comfortably, as Iā€™m literally constantly adjusting them the entire time Iā€™m wearing them.

As much as I love the sound of these headphones, I think Iā€™m going to have to sell them and try something else.

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That sucks, man. Sorry theyā€™re not working out for youā€¦

Yeah, Iā€™m definitely not thrilled about it. I was really hoping those new Dekoni pads would resolve the issues, but once I got them and compared them to the stock pads, thereā€™s really not much difference between them at all, which had me worried.

Turns out, I was correct in my feeling about these pads.

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Well that is unfortunate. Do you have a replacement in mind yet or is it too early?

Donā€™t really know yet. Kind of looking at the HarmonicDyne Zeus and GoldPlanar GL2000. Maybe something else.

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if you can, do a direct comparison of sundara to those two. would be interesting.

as for the comfort. how new are they? i found the clamp ridiculous at first but after wearing them in and also very carefully bending down the top of the metal headband, itā€™s a non-issue now. i still wish they had swivel on the cups tho. but iā€™m glad they donā€™t feel skull crushing anymore because i love the sound a lot. still wouldnā€™t call them the most comfy though. also big headed person over here btw.

Anyone have an opinion on the Schiit Heresy vs the JDS Labs Atom for the Sundara? Just got the 2020 version of the Sundara and recently heard them on a JDS Labs Atom amp (on high gain around 1 oā€™clock) and was a bit underwhelmed. Not sure what I was expectingā€“maybe a little more authority in the bass. Iā€™m using Amir from Audio Science Reviewā€™s recommended EQ, which does help the sub-bass.

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On the subject of amps, does anyone have an opinion of the Zen Can vs. the Asgard for the Sundara? Iā€™d kind of like the XBass feature of the Zen Can and I already have the Zen DAC, so I know that pairs well, but Iā€™ve heard that the Asgard is worth the higher price. Does it really provide noticeably better sound?