I am looking for headphones STRICTLY for gaming

even headphones for that matter. like fuck I could imagine the Atom with better build quality selling for 6 X the price 4 years ago. and I couldn’t even imagine the audio world without massdrop. they really helping entry level and the midfi space a huge amount to be better and cheaper

For sure, it’s pretty surprising what you can get in mid fi compared to 5 years ago

I would say this is true for all but monitors in FPS. Going from 60 Hz to 120 Hz or 144 Hz is a major advantage, and while I wouldn’t recommend upgrading from 120 Hz or 144 Hz to 240Hz, I would not contemplate trading back down.


For sure, I was just meaning once you reached that point. 60hz to 144 is a pretty big jump

even 120 hz to 144 hz is not the noticable. but yeah fuck me if i had to find the difference between 144 and 240

There is one, you might not notice it visually though. It helps you have a faster response time because of the increased amount of data you see.
You start to notice it after a very long time of using a 240hz panel.
But headphones do actually make a huge difference when trying to play competitively if you don’t have the best game sense in the world.
I have the worst possible game sense in siege the only reason why I can do what I do in the game(which is mostly get assists and blow myself up) is because of me using high end headphones, I tested this a few months ago with a pair of playstation golds on someones PS4. Siege I’m roughly a 1.35~ kdr player, so not a good player by any means. 80 matches tested on ps4 with the golds I never got a single kill nor an assist, I which over to something better and I instantly start getting aces in bronze tier. The 30 fps was bad enough, but those headsets were just so abysmal for imaging that I don’t know why people keep telling me they are good. I also tried Astros A50s and that was one of the worse experiences of my life.

most people think something is good because they have nothing else at the same price point to compare it to.

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Thats one reason, but the main reason is that their peers tell them its good or they buy into the advertising of something.
I have a lot of people come by my streams when I’m talking about headphones try and recommend me astros then try to hype them up as being better than an HE1… They say this while I’m using an HE1.

EDIT: I just realized that we never asked OP if he was on console or PC, because not all DAC/AMPs will work on console.
We can assume things, but it is a very important question to ask

Good point, we assumed he is part of the PC Master Race. But even if a player was on console, most combinations of TV and console should allow for a TOSLINK connection to a DAC/AMP.

As for the confused people claiming HE 1 is less than any Astro, I think they have no clue what a HE 1 is, what it does, or have considered something could be that high end. Or they are trolls.

On 30 frame with a poor sound solution vice a good set of headphones, I would venture the guess that sound would really assist you as it would seem like fighting with two hands tied behind your back versus only one hand tied.

Yeah but not all DACs/AMPDACs have a TOSLINK. I know quite a few that don’t.
Some are USB, RCA or COAX only.
I know TOSLINK should be standard in 2019, but it isn’t.

But no they aren’t trolls, they are just misinformed. These are the same people that think beats are great headphones for the price because people keep telling them how good they are.

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