IEM discussion thread (Part 2)



What’s a good fun sounding IEM with good detail at or under $200?

By fun I just mean hard hitting but not overpowering bass and good treble extension without recessed mids.

Right now i’m looking at the:

Binary Chopin
Pula PA02
Tangzu Heyday

Also any recommendations would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

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Out of the three, I’ve only heard Chopin. I say it matches your description.
If you want mid bass over sub bass, consider Tanchjim Origin.

maybe it’s just been a while but blasting babymetal with Mext is absolutely amazing

I have heard the Pula PA02 & Heyday.
I can’t recommend either. Pula has bad timbre, strange tuning & kind of low-fi overall.
Heyday is alright, but I found it quite sharp at 5kHz and overall lean. It does not have enough bass for a planar, and imo planar needs a bass boost to sound natural due to how inherently tight and fast they play.

Chopin is good for some, but you have to be okay with that dip in lower mids & upper bass. I’m not!

Here are my recommendations up to roughly $200: Bqeyz Wind, P1 Max.
If you can stretch to ZiiGaat Doscinco, it’s probably really well worth it.

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New gen of Azla Xelastec tips was released


I like Chopin. I’ve heard all three. Chopin is nice.

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That´s great news! :slight_smile:

I´m just not that sure if the waxguard really is beneficial…usually I like my bores wide and fully open not influencing the upper registers (and maybe therfore the stage) at all

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It is a huge benefit for the few (bad designed) iems without a single filter/damper in the nozzle at all.

I would not worry about the effect it has.

200 mesh, looks similar to this.

While that waxguard:

Much bigger bores.


What are the chances that new Xelastecs help not build so much pressure on my Mext, I’m guaranteed to buy those for my Variations though

Well, if you want to reduce pressure via tips, then you need either foam or hybrid tips.

This one should be stickier than most and if it works properly, give you a stronger seal so would have more pressure in the end.

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Thanks Riku, I´ll probably give these ones at try when all of my other Xelastecs are done.

@apricotblossome A great seal like with Xealstec tips will probably not help you with pressure relieve at all but make it even worse i can imagine

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foam tips will not be beneficial for the bone conduction of Mext i guess


Nah, it wont really matter as long as you get a good seal (contactt) with your ear as it is the vibrating type BC that is transmitted via the shell itself.


God I thought I was done with the Tip pressure shenanigans when I ignored Pula lol. Back at it again then

I do not see any vents on the inside of it (the part facing your ear), so that is an indicator of it being highly likely to have pressure build up.

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Divinus Velvets helped eliminate pressure buildup on my meteors (ventless all-BA setup)

Those do indeed help a little bit for me as well. Although not as much as foam or hybrid tips.

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Okay thanks for that info, I bought it secondhand and was worried somehow the venting system got clogged or something so I was rushing to see if I could make it to their refurbish event lol

Okay then for now I’m back to buying me some hybrid tips since my velvets build up pressure as well in equal amounts to my other stuff. Excluding my sancai but they’re still not as good as the stock foams from my variations

check out the Sony hybrid tips. EP-TC50, EP-Ni1000, EP-Ni1010

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