IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

These look sick!

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The Hexa like set that comes to mind is the LETSHUOER x GIZAUDIO Galileo, but they are hard to find too.

Yeah this type is extremely neighbor friendly compared to an actual sub. And is indeed more for movies (and gaming I bet) than music but if you DONT have a sub because of neighbors (thin apartment walls for example) then I think this would still help.


Thanks for the reply man but luckily I have managed to get my hands on the Hexas that are used but really well maintained, thanks to my best friend who has helped looking for it. So far when it comes to it, despite it being “boring” it’s quite the opposite of it, for I have been wearing the Hexas a lot more recently than the other IEMs that I have, and I just love an overall neutral sound. It even got better after some tip rolling and as well as using the Dunu Lyre Mini on it as well, I usually use it on my P7s but they’re not here yet so might as well use it on the Hexa.

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It’s a little harder to achieve in practise - otherwise you just get a load of messy vibration constantly. In general I would not recommend bass shakers as a replacement for a sub as they do very different things at very different levels of cleanliness. Also to handle the bass shaker properly as a tactile tool you need to convert the audio signal into haptic feedback as a form of DSP (and also DSP the audio) - the link @pk500 posted is the plug and play sim kit that does exactly this. There is standalone software to achieve this (ie Simhub - but it’s limited to supported games/hardware - though some hack together a more expansive (and complicated) method using haptic dev kits for gaming.

I have Dayton Audio bass shakers mounted to the underside of my cinema chairs and to make it effective the audio gets routed in digital, processed for DSP and then haptics and then it is handled by a separate amp so it can be tailored and also turned off easier - as for music this isn’t great and for general gaming it’s a bit shit too as it’s quite uncontrolled and more like how we see noise in audio. For solo play rumble motors are better as they are smaller so can be positioned in awkward places (ie pedals, controllers), are more accurate and less intense so they react better to subtle effects - that is unless your on a sim where you need a combo of both as the bass shakers is less efficient but has far greater vibration potential so it lends well to either large changes in audio (crashes, explosions) or to consistent levels for immersion (ie car engine noise or crowds).

If your concerned with neighbours, atleast on the bass shakers you can isolate and dampen around the non target areas when placing these on large chairs or sofas so it’s not so bad but on something like a gaming chair - there is going to be a lot of leakage and movement not to mention you need to check the material and construction of the chair itself. Moreover, depending on your house construction this could amplify any issue (conscious of a lot of US buildings being wood based rather than concrete/brick).


A stray kitty just showed up at my house

Meeooow =(^._.^)=

Thank you @Jon_let for making this happen! :heart:

These are Just some quick shots but i already noticed that Mystic 8 is the endboss when it comes to taking pictures of it :woozy_face::woozy_face:


Looking good, glad arrived.

Please if possible try to use Tube DAC - pairs really well with M8.

Enjoy and look forward to seeing your view on this :slight_smile:


Yeah, that makes sense. Bass shakers on a gaming chair are definitely trickier since the whole frame is lightweight and prone to transmitting vibrations.

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You mean the boxing heavy bag that I have mounted in my basement and train on might screw up the studs and flooring in my house? :slight_smile:

No worries – yet. It’s only a 70-pound bag, and I have it mounted to a bag spring that’s affixed to a separate box under the ground-level floor that sits snug between two adjoining floor joists for bracing. My next-door neighbor is an engineer and designed it for me. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for this. Crazy stuff. They arent expensive tbh, I might actually consider getting one…

Well considering how this conversation unfolded from Tangzu Bajie using BC drivers, it seems they discontinued…


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Although would be cool for IEMS to implement these BC drivers…not bad for $27 tho. Might just get these this year

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2025 is the year of BCD. Nuts to see how the tech has trickled down so quickly to budget and ultra-budget sets.



But did he account for such power :joy:


Ghetto idea incoming.
Gonna try to make some custom eartips with that.

But afterwards, I will try to make an actual “CIEM” with it by just inserting a driver with cable soldered on into the mold. :joy:


I’d be so nervous doing this at home… putting any kind of putty or liquid in my ears is incredibly uncomfortable lol


Which is why I would put this first.

Otherwise, there was a genius comment I saw, basically just insert an iem as you usually do. Then add the mould AROUND the iem. I bet this would work wonders on smaller iems, preferrably BA iems.


Ha! Actually I switched from a traditional heavy bag to a round yacht buoy filled with water about 10 years ago.

A company on Long Island started selling these teardrop or round water bags with funky colors. I was just about to order one for $100 when some dude on Reddit said, “Wait a minute; these things look just like a Taylor Made buoy for super yachts.” He bought one, compared it to his $100 water bag, and they were identical other than the tie-dye coloring on the $100 bag.

So, I ordered the buoy from a boating supply company for $42, filled it with 70 pounds of water and haven’t looked back since. The water bag is easier on my nearly 60-year-old joints, and you can throw nice uppercuts into it. :slight_smile:


This is a great DIY hack
Thanks chap