I'm in search for some headphone advice/recommendations

Wait, can you order from the official hifiman stores? That’s a good chance it’s a new revision. They most likely won’t specify it’s a new revision


Resolve did an interview with the hifiman CEO who stated the revision had been in place for a few months and any retailer selling new in box should have the revision fwiw

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I would have suggested Thomann but it seems they are out of stock


They should, but you don’t really know, it would be pretty easy to have older unsold units still new in box. I wouldn’t fully trust hifiman on that one

yeah certainly not a guarantee

I think I can, but from where do they ship? If they ship from outside of the EU there’s a chance I may have to pay an extra 20% tax as well as a customs fee on top of the original amount because the EU fucks us over like that…

There’s also a tax-information site in my native language that said I’ll have to pay 102.5% of the original price of the package, and a 21% tax on top of that.

Living here really depresses me sometimes…

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Ah well, that’s most likely a no go then. I think the eBay listing ships from the us, perhaps the store ships from China but I would have to check on that one

Here are some authorized hifiman dealers in the Netherlands



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That’s quite funny, I have that tab opened right next to this!

Anyway, thank you very much for the help so far!

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Cool, well there you go then lol. I feel like I’m all in on hifiman at this point, I can stand behind most of the stuff they have lol (but some of it you should avoid)


This is good advice.

I am only partially kidding here as someone who has had a lot of bad luck with them, but from almost all accounts the Sundaras are great and tough to beat at $350. I’m mainly chiming in to tell you not to fully discount the older Philips amp as a source out of hand. If it’s from the 80s or earlier, it may be ok because they actually put some effort into the headphone jack (from my limited experience), especially if it was in the higher price range for its time. But if it was cheap then, or from the 90s, chances are you want something better

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This is something that I was assuming, but if it is an older amp it actually might have a pretty decent headphone amp as you say

I just recently bought Sundaras and the left driver died the day after I received them. Total bummer as it was my 2nd time having an issue with Sundara and 3rd time overall with Hifiman. Positive is that I returned it and bought a Focal Elegia, which I love.

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You have the Dr. Fang curse though, it was never meant to be lol


He has me on a blacklist, lol


He has you on a hit list lol


At least I’m off the Schiit list :wink:


I just returned my 2nd pair of RE2000s iems for a refund. Neither they or the pair they replaced made it to day 3. I absolutely loved them, but they didn’t make a cable swap viable, and I wouldn’t pay them $130 for their branded cables

Things are looking up lol

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I don’t blame you, $130 is ridiculous for a cable. Shame though if you enjoyed the way they sounded.

But, back to my original point, I think you can get a pretty cool sound from a vintage receiver headphone jack. It’s almost like a tube sound from my Marantz and half the time I use the 6SE I run them directly vs using the speaker amp adapter. I just broke down and bought a Sansui 9090 and I should have it to compare next week. I know that I love it with speakers, and I’m hoping the headphone jack is on the same level