I'm in search for some headphone advice/recommendations

Yeah, I’ll be doing all headphone gear even before that though. I value my personal audio experience a little bit more, haha

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Any thoughts/experience with Rotel RA-1572 or A-12/14? Noticing these along with the Denon you mention above with A/B speaker select for powering both speakers and HE6SE

Imo it’s alright, but personally I would want more power and a higher quality amp here (you might be looking at a preamp poweramp setup here imo). I would really shoot for around 200 wpc into 8 ohms. Also the quality of Rotel has dropped in recent times

Imo if you wanted some sweet integrated amps the Peachtree nova300, Roksan Blak, and Parasound Hint 6 are my picks (look used for a good price)

Cool, thanks, M0N!

I also prefer to buy things new generally. However, I’ve had a pretty good experience buying and selling gear in this hobby. Of course if it’s something you’re not comfortable with I wouldn’t suggest it but if you’re concerned about cutting cost it can be very useful. Getting good deals has been something about this hobby I’ve really come to enjoy.

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I’ll remember to ask you some pointers, should I ever decide to buy used once again.

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I can’t speak for other hobbies, but buying used for high end audio and pro studio gear has been a great experience for me


I just got an Lcd2c, one year old for 450 euros. New costs 900. A Fostex TH-X00 Ebony used for 300 in excellent conditions, and today a iBasso dx160 one month old for 350, saved 100. Just buy from people with good comments and check photos. If you don’t like it just sell it again at no, or little, loss.


Found this while browsing a European retailer.
It seems pretty good, almost 700euro good for some reason. Is it anything to invest in?

I really wouldn’t recommend audio gd products imo, they are unrefined, harsh and pretty sloppy sounding with more power than finesse (if that makes sense)



This maybe? I’ve heard of Marantz being a pretty good brand before.
It does come with an integrated DAC.

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It’s decent, but nothing really stood out to me from the brief times I’ve tried it

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I guess that means that, at the very least, it’s not bad

No I wouldn’t say it’s bad or anything, I just don’t personally have enough time with it to really give too much info about it

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An update on the amp I sent to the store…
There was a lot of crackling and buzzing that wasn’t supposed to be there, which we they managed to get rid of. Sadly, there’s a static in there that’ll be ever present when not playing music, so I probably can’t use it for amplifying headphones anymore. At least I can still use it for speakers.

Edit: Just found the name of the amp. It’s a Philips FA775

Gotcha, I don’t know if it’s worth fussing over lol

Don’t know either, I just remember someone asking what amp it was, and I thought that was you

Yes it was me, I was just curious. It seems like a serviceable amp, but I don’t think it’s anything highly regarded

Yeah, it’s nothing crazy. It does the job it needs to do, though maybe not so well anymore lol