I'm trying to get some real headphones for once I need help finding headphones, please

The 58x would be a lot better for mid-range and vocal presentation… even more so than the m570. It just depends what you’re looking for. I personally think the 6xx is a techincally more better headphone in a lot of ways to either the m570 or 58x. But I kind of would lean towards the m570 (Assuming no QC issues… but it has a good warranty anyway) for Jpop/// pop music in general… The aiva driver has a more fun sound signature… and you can tune it for a bit more neutrality or bass with a pad swap.

Haha it’s cool, you would think it would be fitting considering the bass in American pop but korean pop is recorded differently (generally)

Yeah, he mentioned K/DA and that is pretty bass heavy. That was my reference.

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Ok, just to go out of the box for a moment and about $100 over budget, massdrop Koss 95x come with the energizer and can be used with onboard computer DAC and take to EQ well and really sound excellent overall as an almost complete beginner package. I honestly Have no idea how they would do for gaming purposes because i have not tried them that way but honestly if i had to do some things over, i feel as a general purpose best value product with minimal other investment these could be a stand-alone for a while and you would not be lacking in sound quality. It’s just my opinion but damn at $400 these are really hard to beat or complain about and you don’t need to purchase a stand alone amplifier. Just sayin’…


Never thought I’d see (electrostatics) and “for beginners” in the same sentence, but you’re right, lol.

Kinda “complete beginner endgame package”.


Also not mentioned here, Beyerdynamics DT177x Go for 380$.

Like the ESP95X, they’re “harman neutral”, which means, pretty much natural sounding – at least that’s the goal. Definitely an “inoffensive” sound.

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Oh good, I’m happy I’m not alone in my thought process. I threw this out there because honestly these sound damned good and i felt i could be completely satisfied for a real long time if funds were tight and i wanted the absolute best value for my tight budget. These things surprised the hell out of me when i got them and i have yet to listen to anything that sounded “poor”, “off” etc. on them. Anyone that complains is seriously nit-picking at this price range or even above it for a few hundred dollars…IMHO
Edit to add: I do NOT have an “audiophile ear”, and i admit after years of abuse i no longer hear too well but i do know what makes my head “Bop” to the tunes and these do it…with a little bit of extra EQ :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Koss ESP95x are amazing, but they are not geared towards bass, more about detail in treble and midrange. If that’s what you like though then they are wonderful.


No disagreement, they are pretty neutral sounding to me. What I like about them is that they take very well to solid state equalization, which allows me to bump them just a tiny bit on the lower end for my personal musical listening preferences. I also felt they sound " just fine" (i know this is a blatant opinion :thinking:) across a very varied spectrum to include the genres the poster spoke about.

Huh, by the way, money doesn’t mean anything – and personal satisfaction is, uh, personal, subjective. And everyone hears differently. Sure thing, if OP has 5$ headphones right now, his jaw will drop with good headphones, even if they’re “only” 150$.


From my experience:
-Got sick of 5$ crappy headphones.
-Bought 50$ open-back sennheisers, my jaw dropped (clarity!)
-Bought 100$ closed-back sennheisers, my jaw dropped (bass!)
-Bought 150$ planars, my jaw dropped (…jkdgsdajg :no_mouth: everything!!!)

That’s basically my last 20 years in audio in 3 lines. And that’s just 50$ increments. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well i’m not a young guy. Maybe theres something to what youre saying for the inexperienced. Ive been listening to music for years on various systems. I never bought expensive headphones but i did always have Koss headphones. So when i heard the 40-200$ stuff i wasn’t impressed. Not till i hit the Sennhieser HD 600 was i impressed.

I wish they would go on sale, or Massdrop would clone it. I wish i had never returned it


How do you feel about the 58x or the 6xx which was at one point $200. Or that of the likes of the dt 880 that do puch above $200.

Don’t expect improvements that dramatic as you go up. Some people are also harder to impress. Audio law of diminishing returns hits like a mother fucker.


i had the HD650, which is the same as the 6XX and i didnt like it. I thought since the number was higher the headphone would better lol, but the 600 was a better headphone. so i was disappointed and i found the 650 boring. I havnt heard the 58x or the dt880, but i hear so much about them i think i will get them

The 600 is more neutral than the 650, which Zeos said was a little wider with a brighter signature.

The 650 is a bit warmer sounding and is slightly wider. The 600 is more narrow with better imaging and also a bit brighter in comparison

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Tbh that’s kind of what I thought, but I was just going to assume Zeos was right. Sometimes better to trust your own ears I guess lol.

I guess the idea is not to go for “expensive headphones because they are supposed to be great” but to go for, “what do I want next”.

-My first, 50$ headphones, were open-back Sennheisers. Obviously 10 times better than all the dollar-store headphones I ever had anyway.
-For my second ones I chose “closed-back 80dB attenuation earmuffs going down to 7hz”, so, jaw-dropping bass.
-I heard about planar “speed”, now I got planars, and they’re like, multiple times more detailed than my last pair – Impressive technology.

My next step? I still don’t have what people call “detail monsters”. For 50$ more? That would be Takstar HF580s (with a bit of pad swapping/modding maybe, to make em more “harman neutral”). That’s the Sendy Aivas driver anyway! But… no hurry at all. It’s just curiosity.

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