No. My goal in the original post was to ask is there a $1,000 open back used headphone that would be worth selling all of the gear I currently have (listed in the original post). I’m pretty set on the DX3 Pro. I’ve had 4 DACS in the $100-$350 range and that was my favorite. I just don’t want to go through the trouble of selling off everything, if the gap between Argon & Phantom and a higher-end headphone isn’t that great. From the feedback I’ve been getting on this forum is that the Argons are great and the Phantom is mixed, but they don’t compare to higher-end headphones. I’m kind of looking to put an end to the madness and settle on something I really love.
That was the goal. I really appreciate your feedback. Going to read it all, do more research and try to make a better decision in the future.
I haven’t heard it, but that was one of the headphones I was researching. By the descriptions, it was sounding like something I’d like based on what I already own.
This process has helped a little bit though. I’m learning a lot. When I got the Argons I never thought I’d need anything else. Loved the bass and assumed I must be a bass head.
When I got caught up in the Phantom hype, I noticed that I cared more about sound stage and the detail that the Phantom has (at least by the mods I’ve done) over the Argon. I love the full, rich sound the Argon produces, but I crave the detail and sound stage more.
So it was useful to get the Phantom, I just have to be more judicious in my purchases. Can’t afford to keep buying any $300-$500 headphone I fall in love with over a few videos.
Most people I know also tend to start off craving bass and a v shaped signature, and then grow to appreciate a more refined and nuanced sound, so your not alone. Its all about the experience and process. It’s no fun starting off from the high end