Is it worth it? (Help requested chasing "end-game")

When I sold my Aeolus I lost 70 bucks. I luckily bought them on pre-order for under a grand. Still I’m going to miss them but Need gsx mini and Verite.

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Hey thats pretty good though. I mean only losing 70 bucks really isnt much if you got good use out of them

Would Aeon Flow be up his ally? It sounds really good but requires some bass oomph. I thought it be good upgrade for $700 new.

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Ehh, it might not be what he’s looking for, as I wouldn’t say it had that great soundstage, and kinda suffered from some compression issues imo

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Didn’t use that much. I’m more of a planar guy.

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What made you want the Verite then?

Resolve Review comparison to the Utopia. He said it sounds like a planar. I’ve got Autuer which are amazing so if Verite sounds even better I’m there.

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Hands down, this is by far one of the best remarks/advices I have seen on this forum :+1:t3:

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I would revise that a tad now that I look at it to be more vague but I would say that it depends on your desired setup

I just like the path of how to look at it. It helps to understand the sequence and to get order in your priorities. I like it :wink:

Revise it the @M0N way please. There were some pretty good parameters in that statement and it helps focus folks some. What parts of the statement do you feel are off knowing what you know and what you have spent lately?

Damn I hate blanket statements like this lol. I would rather just go off a single case, trying to generalize will lead to errors and incorrect statements for some setups

I very much understand your hesitation, and some of us have thrown most of those parameters “out the window” but that entire statement was actually a pretty decent set of parameters, Budget items keep getting better and better, and allot of new folks in the hobby are torn on purchases and also need to budget so that they can maximize value to sound quality

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Sorry, i didn’t mean to put you on the spot, i can say from personal experience that every part of the signal chain matters to some extent, and some budget items benefit from the improvements higher quality items bring forth etc. add to this the importance of finding the synergy between pieces or properly matching, whatever way you want to describe it.
It’s funny how many high end audio guys always tell you to spend at least double or triple on your speakers relative to what the amplifier costs, yet will be the first to criticize your equipment when you go out and do just that and then go back to the forums to talk about it.

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