Judging new products based on specs

I really do, actually. Is a bit pricey though:


Really sorry but I believe ASR actually measures the amp better than Wolf - IIRC he did not have the upgraded power supply hence the lower dynamic range but please feel free to correct me - as long as I don’t have to reread that forum.

I think the complaints still apply here tho.
High distortion, high noise, sold with wrong power supply, faulty gain implementations, the headphone heat ignition sequence system, QC issues. Pretty unusable for IEMs and most importantly not marketed as such a synergy focused item.

It’s definitely an exotic niche - that has a specialty focus (POWER) - no hate in that at all. You have to compromise to do what it does - it’s unique and so has value especially the more someone stays in this hobby and values trying new things.

Regarding the distortion - sure distortion can be pleasing and its present in both my guitar pedals and amp choices but that is for creation. A song is not usually mastered to recreate a live feeling (save for live albums). It’s mastered to showcase the song itself. This may not 100% be what the artist intended as very few artists do their own mastering (well) or turn up to recording with a full release ready sound, but it is the “official version” as far as we have it and that is why all the remastering (MQA, atmos, etc) becomes so problematic to the whole artist intended issue - but I digress.

When the recording is made - they are using the equipment of the time - so the recording will be of the very amps and effects that you speak of mic’d up and processed. Nowadays we can model the stack and DI the instruments for ease of use and consistency for live playback - but that is an artist choice (don’t worry Reamping is rife). Either way, it is about getting the best sound in the room and then through the masterer’s reference monitors and playback process/systems. It’s more process and approval than art nowadays.

If we add a new layer of distortion from our playback sources onto the mastered recording then we are moving away from the whole artists intends best principles to the user generated soundscape / which again is not problematic - it’s user preference but we have to acknowledge that it is actively moving away from the reference track to our own standards.

Yeah - Miles Davis even with Rudy Van Gelder edition mastering is still subject to the technology of the time and the intoxicated state the ensemble and recording team was in. High Fidelity is less important the older the recording we listen to. Equally we will relate that recording to having distortion as our memories of it have been corrupted with older distortion filled playback systems. Also let’s not kid ourselves Tubes and Jazz (clearly on Vinyl) - it’s a whole thing - it’s a lifestyle.

If you are referring to SINAD I understand what your saying but It’s never presented alone but as part of a suite of measurements. For people who can’t understand the measurements it also serves as a litmus test of good engineering for which it generally functions pretty well and covers the major issue of noise + distortion. It would be great if it was pass fail but then we would have to understand definitive levels of audibility for each person as well as a consensus on distortion. Very easy to imagine a situation where you can get a fail in SINAD but it would have lots of pleasing distortion that we know are some members audio preference. I wouldn’t want to have that arguement with every tube hobbyist.

Sure you will be installing this in the car playback system…

Erica Synths, Make Noise, Empress, Death By Audio, OBN, Chase Bliss, Neural DSP, etc… - we are truly blessed to live in a time of drool inducing boutique gear!!!

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Functionality: What the product does. …
Performance: How well the product does what it claims to do. …
Reliability: Continuity of performance over time. …
Durability: How strong is the product? …
Customization: How well the product fits the need.


The world would be easier if HIFI products can be purchased through specs. Happy there are people testing gear to improve the sport.