Listening to tonight (Part 1)

seriously for me its an all around perfect album awfully recorded , lo fi as shit but god damn does it add to the aesthetic. communist daughter is probably my favorite song in the album super somber , intimate, and written super well

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one of the only indie rock albums I personally deem perfect the other 3 are the self titeled the velevet under ground and nico album, the self titled vampire weekend album, and armchair apocrypha by andrew bird. … and maybe Narrow stairs and Transatlanticism by DCFC but that might be a strecth it’s just so close to perfect for me

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Now for something different.


Saw “Once upon a time in Hollywood” this weekend, and one of the songs really caught my ear…


I really enjoyed the movie, but I didn’t enjoy the soundtrack as much as I did in some of his earlier movies. It wasn’t bad by any means, but I still listen to the Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction soundtracks and this one didn’t jump out to me the same way

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Thats pretty much my impression as well, but that song stood out.

On the whole i feel that the movie was perhaps a bit below Tarantino’s best, as it perhaps lacked a bit of the intensity or nerve that i.e ran through out “the hateful eight”, and that the characters lacked a bit of the depth you usually get in his movies. But that might be by design due to the Hollywood movie business setting :slight_smile:

I think he’s becoming a much better director while his screenwriting has fallen off. Only slightly though. He’s still one of the few filmmakers I will always try to be sure to see on the big screen

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Boss album anyway but the drum @ 0.26 on Don’t Stay is so sweetly presented :+1:

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(sorry for the off topic…)

He is probably the only film creator where i do feel i have to see every movie he releases. I do usually see them at home in my “man cave” basement living room. For the most part i prefer the sound at home over my local cinema (they tend to have quite harsh treble and my 5.2 setup plays loud and deep enough), although the screen is another matter as i am on a very old 55" LG that was dirt cheap when i bought it 6 years ago so that is the next upgrade in home cinema department :slight_smile:

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back on topic… :slight_smile:

Been listening to Trummor & Orgel tonight (drums and organ), swedish band… a bit “different” from my usual rock/prog-rock, but i think they have some great songs…

You know you’re an audiophile when…

…you enter a public place and start charting the frequency response graph in your head.

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John Lennon - Working class hero


New/Newish stuff:

And to liven it up a bit:

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I don’t even know what to make of that last one