Listening to tonight (Part 1)

This song, I can relate to.


@K4sh1ma Yes! I love that song!!! I listen to clean edits though.
This guy did a great cover of it on AGT. You know it is good when the normally loud audience goes silent.

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Dope as…

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I am so sad that they were a one and done. It was a superb album. I felt the same way about Postal Service too, even though I know it was a side project.

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Pulp - Disco 2000

500 Days of Summer soundtrack on Spotify. One of my favorite movies.

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I really need this loud tonight :metal::muscle:


Love Linkin Park! RIP Chester.

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These came on back to back in my shuffle. Was a very enjoyable, though not productive, 10ish minutes:

(yes, I realize the second video has to the cover for Dark Side when Comfortably Numb is from The Wall)


tonights mood

Went for something a bit calmer than usual tonight…

Air - Alone in Kyoto

Mantra (from the documentary “Sound City” )

Great movie btw, highly recommended.

Got the melody for the theme stuck in my head and decided to give this album a spin - er, stream

