Listening to tonight (Part 1)


Been listening to a “local” artist tonight, Anne Lise Frøkedal. She has been in numerous bands, mostly rock and folk based. This song combines a bit of both…

Seen her live 3 times the last year and a half, and the last concert i attended was a “striped down” to only one extra musician and a very intimate setting - it was amazing :slight_smile:


The younger people I work with don’t believe me when I defend Rod Stewart, but the Faces were the SHIT. This song is most likely why the Stones asked Ron Wood to join. Just don’t be here in the morning when I wake up:

Edit: changed from the live video to the studio version because it had the line I quoted. But they were supposedly one of the best live bands you’d ever see

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Currently listening to this. I own over 1000 cds, and have most ripped to my pc. And before anyone mentions it, yes I know the singer of Agalloch has turned out to be something of a turd of a person. I still enjoy the music the band made.

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I love this guy’s voice:

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This entire soundtrack is very well recorded. It’s available on Tidal @44.1/16, not Qobuz, and no higher bit rate. When I got my Tin P1’s I originally thought I had a faulty driver because the bass is so low that it was causing the driver to distort. This is an amazing test track. First because it has some wonderful low bass rumble. It’ll put your drivers through their paces. But, it also has some nice mids and uppers that let you know how well your drivers are managing to keep up.

The Micca RB42’s perform admirably at reasonable near field volumes. At higher volumes though, when the keyboard kicks in, you can hear pronounced doppler distortion. It’s one of the best and most pronounced examples I’ve heard in a track. Because the keyboard is sort of a long decaying plucked string affect it sounds almost like gargling at higher volumes. I’m curious, but haven’t tried this on a 3 way system to see if it’s mitigated by crossing over to another driver (that would all depend on where the crossover freq is set of course) but, it’s interesting to hear in headphones and 2 ways.

This has become one of my go to testing tracks because it’s pleasing to listen to but also because, despite not being a busy piece of music, it really can reveal a speaker’s/headphone’s limitations.


good film too :+1:

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