Listening to tonight (Part 2)

Some of the best rock there is.


50 years old :open_mouth:

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Went to my favorite local club last night to see Claire and in a separate set
Deb Calan. This is from her latest album. Claire and I had quite a chat. She’s from Nashville and was here for our music festival in summer. Also was in Germany and loved the attentive audiences there. (We are here as well!)
Deb is a pro and had a side guy who set some amazing moods with electric guitar. A good night!!
PS Bought 2 of her CD’s…gotta help the young ones out!!


Now I want to watch Highlander, but that isn’t a Christmas movie.

My wife is pretty hardcore about the season appropriate films this year. I think this is the last year the Grandkids are going to be living with us.


Friday night! Don’t know why, but I have been wanting to hear this album all day! I guess it made an impression. Always great to get this in on the speakers, too.

AMHD > U2 Pro > Schiit BF2 > SA-1 Pre > DA-9 > Sonus Faber Lumina 2 w/Tzero mkiii sub

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Topping DX1 → xDuoo MT-602 → Drop HD58x

Topping DX1 → xDuoo MT-602 → Mangird Tea

I had a long week and really wanted to do something fun this evening. I am exploring all my existing IEMs and headphones with my first tube amp, and it is like experiencing them new again.

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I was gonna ask you how that MT-602 was treatin ya. Sounds like you are enjoying it. That is fantastic.

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what a beautiful album

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@Raptor168 The MT-602 has been amazing. It really has been fun rediscovering all my gear again. I had saved a couple of favorites for tonight.

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Thanks for sharing. I will spin this up later tonight.

I am not sure if this qualifies in your household, maybe after the grandkids go to bed, but I have adopted the first Lethal Weapon as another “Christmas movie” to add to my growing list. One of my favorite renditions of “Jingle Bell Rock” (sung by Bobby Helms) plays during the opening credits, as you might recall. Such a classic, which I have playing in the background right now actually… :guitar: :christmas_tree:

Bobby Helms - Jingle Bell Rock


Good call. There is always Die Hard, too! You know, in a pinch…


Aright, kickin it up a notch. These guys are so friggin good!


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We already watched Die Hard and Trading Places. The two best sort of Christmas movies.


They are an every year watch for us, too. :+1:t2:


According to Spotify this is my 2023. Well, not entirely accurate as I listen to local files and such but no surprise here.


That is an interesting idea. Man, my 2023 has been all over the map! And that’s a good thing.


Currently enjoying this one, a nice afternoon groove. Overall, I like the Flower King’s stuff. This one is really good.



I haven’t really listened to that one beyond a couple of run-throughs, but I love Stardust We Are :headphones:

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Nice. I don’t think I have heard that one, actually. In the queue. :+1:t2:

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