Looking for advice on dac upgrade

Yes, that’s my main concern, how much will further improve it to be worth the investment.

Probably I will get it, since I already like it in its form, and while yes I find it a lower tier than RNHP, in theory things can only get better with the PSU, plus headamp offers a 30 day money back so I can send it back in case see little to no improvement.

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After some more time with Ares II I can say it definitely worth the upgrade, however one particular finding: IMO it needs some kind of DDC in order to sound its best.

I performed some tests using AudioQuest Pearl, Cinnamon and Schiit PYST usb cables, with and without iFi iPurifier, and also with a Schiit Eitr with the same cables (and all the permutations in between :D).

In my system (beefy gaming PC) and to me it definitely offers better performance through Schiit Eitr than the USB alone or with iPurifier, blacker background, deeper stage, more defined and tighter bass.

While I do find an improvement with the iPurifier on the USB IMHO it not matches the Schiit Eitr sound quality, the funny thing here is I ended preferring the Schiit PYST USB cable over AudioQuest ones, to me the Pearl sounds some kind of ‘compressed’ with blunted highs, while the Cinnamon sounded more airy yes, but thinner and bright; while the PYST sounded more rounded, good extension both sides and preserved the Ares II meaty sound.



Not quite sure if post it here or as a new thread so I posted here :smiley:

The Ares II opened the can of worms for me and while overall I like its sound, there are some things I do not like so I decided to move to a higher tier as my high-end and since I finally sold my RME, I have some better budget to invest this time.

As commented along this thread, I like the Ares II and definitely noticed a big improvement on my system even over the ADI-2 DAC (as dac only) BUT only when I feed it through the Schiit Eitr, otherwise it sounds flat, undefined, too soft, like when you compare an mp3 vs a high def file.

And is this dependency of the schiit eitr (on my system), the limitation of not be able to keep both RCA and XLR connections at same time and the lack of synergy with my RNHP who made me decide to go higher tier.

I been comparing the Ares II vs the Crane Song AVOCET IIA (on my same system) and while obviously it is higher tier dac / amp, this help me to notice I prefer the solid state sound and the ability to no relay on the schiit eitr to make crane song sound great, as I feed it from my pc optical output and still sounds wonderful.

So while I am leaning to just get the crane song solaris this would be my top range of my budget and wonder if I could get an improvement over Ares II DAC possibly in the sub 2k range.

Worth note since I use speakers and headphones the same, even with more time on speakers, I am leaning towards an all-in-one solution as a good pre-amp is a must for me.

Currently I am looking at some of the Questyle CMA400i and the latest CMA Twelve and possible a Burson Audio conductor 3XP as alternatives to the solaris, but open to suggestions too.

Thanks and sincerely appreciate if @M0N could help me on this, once again :slight_smile:

Just look for a used solaris quantum? They typically go around 1.5k usd used? Since you already know what you are somewhat after and enjoy your experiences with other crane song, I’d likely just suggest saving up and waiting

I’d really personally advise against an all in one option, like what you mentioned the twelve and 3xp would likely be a step down dac wise from an ares ii. I’d personally just go for separates.

I’ve chased the all in one unicorn. A Holo Cyan DAC, great DAC, meh amp. I am currently using a Burson Conductor 3XR great amp, meh DAC. The all in ones tend to compromise one or the other, don’t know why but it just is. I know there are solutions out there but no where near the $2k budget. Not even used pricing.

Hi @M0N and @db_Cooper Thank you for your help!

Yes, probably this could be the safest and best option, simply get a Solaris quantum in the end it will save time and money vs testing other gear.

Actually if I go separate vs all-in-one, I definitely narrowed my options to the Solaris and the chord qutest, so about the Qutest, do you think will pair well with RNHP? And how will it compare vs the Ares II and Solaris ?

From chord I only have tried the mojo, and while I am aware the qutest is a little different soundwise, in my system the mojo worked without the need of any ddc, be from usb or optical (my preffered way).

Yes, I know, I tried adi-2 as an all-in-one solution and was just a disappointment. Its a shame but as they said. it looks too good to be true :roll_eyes:

On the other hand, I am thinking of upgrading from the Eitr to the matrix audio x-spdif 2 since it offers more advantages and connections, do you think it’s a good option, or maybe could suggest another option?


I think the qutest is solid, although I think the Solaris is an overall more impressive dac and also better pairing with the neve. Sound wise the qutest is more forward and analytical than the Solaris, smaller stage but more depth, similar resolving power with an edge to the crane song, more micro focused where the Solaris is more balanced dynamically. Timbre wise the crane song is better. Speed wise the qutest feels a bit faster. Impact wise the crane song hits harder, and also the crane song feels like it had more command and grip

I think it’s a good choice imo, a singxer su-2 is also worth a look

Thank you, well definitely going with the crane song as I already know and like it, plus from your comparison it offers the qualities I prefer (a tonally dense natural organic sound with great soundstage) over the Qutest analytical sound.

For the Solaris Quantum do you have any preference on this 2 (x-spdif 2 vs Singxer SU-2) ?

Unless you spend boatloads of dollars, most decent DDCs in the $300 range will work very well enough and the only differences between them will be in outputs and how many devices you can connect simultaneously. I wouldn’t worry too much about performance since I think you’d be splitting hairs. Some may have better AES out, some may have a more compatible I2S out some may be easier to power with a more common LPS. So shop for that IMO. You DO want to give them the best power supply you can.

Awesome, I think i’ll go with x-spdif 2 as honestly I like its looks more :smiley: hehe

Back to clean power, yes, its something I usually overlook as no have much experience upgrading power supplies but I am aware it gives an extra bump so while SU-2 includes a good power supply I think (not digged much here) you are stuck with that, while with the x-spdif 2 a new power supply like iFi iPower X its just plug and play.

Once again, than you @db_Cooper and @M0N for valuable help!