MMA, Boxing, Combat sports, World Strongman and Arm wrestling

Man just caught this wow what a fight Moreno on :fire:

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Moreno is the man! Their 3rd fight was far closer and I can’t wait for the 4th. I’m hoping they really leave it in there and settle the rivalry once and for all :mexico:

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Did you guys see the video of Dana White’s title fight against his wife on new years eve in Mexico? She got the best of the first exchanges, but he caught her with a good right hand that ended things. It was weird, I’ve never heard fighters apologize for hitting their opponents at post fight press conferences before…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Okay, domestic violence isn’t funny and I’m sorry, but it fit the thread so perfectly. I’m a jackass, I’m once agaib bored on a conference call and I couldn’t help myself lol! :joy: Sorry.

Dana White’s Pro Slap League was set to launch this weekend. Now delayed a week.

Not a joke. Gulp.

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It’s all …. Part of the plan, If you know what I mean :smiling_face_with_tear:

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What happen ?

There was a video leaked online of Dana and his wife getting into what looked like a heated argument in a club or something of that nature - His wife seemed to slap him first, a nice stiff right hand, and then Dana retaliated with a right hand of his own, Herb Dean stepped in immediately …

I’m sorry, I added a little too much pepper to it but you get the jist. Domestic abuse is absolutely not funny, but it’s ridiculously ironic that this new Slapping, fighting, thing is supposed to start soon by Dana and this video surfaces soon before … call me crazy, but sometimes things are not coincidences. Interesting marketing campaign, Dana :sweat_smile:


You’re on to something. Everything White does is premeditated. He’s a buffoon, but he’s also one of the premier marketers and hucksters on this planet.


What are you on about, Dana White vs Mrs. White was the main event of the evening, sanctioned by the Mexican MMA Federation.


Hey - It’s just weird I guess, a little too weird if you ask me. While he is a bit of a brick, there’s no denying his skills as a promoter.


FairPlay to Holloway but Volkanovski is on another level, so quick, so accurate and never slowed even after 5 rounds…beast

I remember watching the 1st fight and being jaded. After all these years and watching Volk dominate, I can confidently say he’s the best pound for pound fighter in the UFC - no doubt. He’s a beast!

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Another crazy power performance…BOOM

Tawanchai’s Muay Thai masterclass…

Valentina so, so dominant :clap:

What a first round :fire:

Looking forward to Merab v. Yan no doubt. Should be fire crackers.

Hmm … I smell spam.

But if the previous post was sincere, here’s a tip: Avoid free-standing heavy bags like genital warts, if possible. They’re all overpriced, and they eventually start moving around upon contact and eventually break after repeated strikes.

In other words, they suck. :slight_smile:

If you’ve seen the Aqua water punching bags in boxing gyms, here’s a little secret: They’re repurposed Taylor Made yacht buoys with tie-dye colors. IDENTICAL.

I bought a Taylor Made buoy from a marine supply company about five or six years ago for $45. The EXACT same size packaged as an Aqua bag sold for $100.

I would NOT kick an Aqua bag/Taylor Made buoy. But I hate MMA and love boxing, so my training consists of exclusively punching. Your mileage may vary.

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Man I can’t believe they called that :angry:

Fight :gem: :+1: