No Serious Business - IEM Edition

sh1t, r4mbl3d

OMG, I gotta read all that! :frowning:

Nah, you can skip it. Pretty sure you wont agree since you eq it

Oh you piece of shit! :angry: You got me. I actually laughed out loud when I read that. You got me! :angry:


I read it. For the first time I have to agree 100% :slight_smile: I am very tormented by the question of adding another IEMs to MEST MK2. Detailed IEMs are really a bit tiring, but MK2 is worth a penny anyway! Every heavy audiophile should have it :)))

I didnā€™t know you were an owner.

:weary: Shit here goes my money.

Iā€™m not, but if I get up I might need another complement. Or maybe I donā€™t need ā€¦ I donā€™t know.

Itā€™s a meme, but a truth.

@Resolution always says mest is his lonely island set. Mine is Teas. Or now 07m since they are close. But you got my point.

After earing mest i grabbes Variations. God they dont sound 1/3 of its price for sure. Then I grabbed teas. In that moment, I knew, I f*ckd up

How many times should I buy it ā€¦ :)))))))

Well written sir. Being an owner myself, I agree with a lot if most everything you mentioned.

I try not to listen to the MEST MKII much because I enjoy the hobby and variety, although I did pop it into my ears earlier this week and was just wowed by it and lost myself into the music like I havenā€™t in quite some time.

It really is so good, itā€™s not fair to compare it to much anything else out there.

MEST MKII has endgame tuning, detail, slam, impact, stage, imaging, texture, smoothness. It checks more endgame checkboxes than any other IEM Iā€™ve heard.

For the record, NO I DO NOT EQ THIS MASTERPIECE or any other IEM for that matter! :angry:


For you, get dq6 or fh3, a nice source, leave this forums, be happy and less poor :joy:

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There was a thread on ā€œhelping music sound better, without ruining itā€. Where there is the idea at least that maybe there is a limit to how good of playback you might want for some songs.

While this is an extreme example. Early 90ā€™s chiptunes designed for 8bit and 16bit consoles and handhelds are something where there is a limit to how good an IEM I want to listen to them with. There are technical limitations to the chips and the audio for the games were designed for early 90ā€™s TV, bad handheld speakers, and cheap headphones. So yes I would gladly use the CCA NRA (very flawed IEM) to listen to retro games with then any of my ā€œbetterā€ IEMs since it matches better with the source.

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I donā€™t need them, I have better ones :)))

Then run, now!!

Okay, I put on my pink pajamas and run to the bed hahahaha! No, Iā€™m seriously considering buying MK2, Iā€™m a serious audiophile, although sometimes I troll :)))

Im not sure I agree here. Whatā€™s better? More fun or better replay?

Do you have more fun with mest or your 3dt? Or Variations? Or 02?

You have a massive headache, you just wanna listen to some chill ambient vibes. Will you grab mest or teas?

Youā€™re right. But in my book, only half right.

I think weā€™ve found a place where vasix can be vasix. Troll away my friend. Troll away, just do it in this thread, OK? The website guys donā€™t like monkey business in the official product threads.

If I am being honest, MEST MKII is better than everything I own by a considerable amount. It portrays the music as it was meant to be heard. On the audiophile scale, the MEST MKIIā€™s replay capabilities are at the highest levels.

Anything else deviating from the MEST MKIIā€™s target is moving further and further away from audiophile authentic replay, which may or may not be more or less enjoyable for listeners but the fact is that the MEST MKII is at the audiophile summit of our hobby and being able to hear the music as originally intended should be the ultimate goal for true audiophiles.

Remember what the goal of an audiophile actually isā€¦

It says nothing about enjoying a more ā€œrelaxed versionā€ of the original recorded content.


No problem. Iā€™m leaving. I wish everyone success with IEMs and happiness. Bye!