No Serious Business - IEM Edition

What IEM offers the best timbre bar none?

Anyone knows?

Thanks, Ill look in the iems mentioned that I didnt know of. DT600 is a full ba :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You like it?

JVC HA-FX850 for me

Damn, is there any Tea mods? I would like to know.

DT600? Love it but only with higher output impedance devices. I am still experimenting but ideal OI seems to be around 10-15ohm

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Just checked a review and a guy said to use it with an Imp adaptor. But im interested, damn.

Sub 400-500, whats your favourite ba set?

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DT600 is my current favorite.


All I needed to hear. Thanks, ill look into it.

Your gear is even more insane than I thought lol. Congratz man


Do you have a link for those adaptors?

80ohm adapter is included with the DT600 but to me it is too bright. Try Penon AliExpress store for 20ohm adapter or Dunu 30ohm ones.


I must confess I donā€™t get how the GK10 can place that badly in terms of timbre.

Did everyone but me get a bad set?

Maybe Iā€™m not as critical as some others but at the same time I am sensitive to BAs and absolutely loathe BA timbre.

I donā€™t really hear the BA in the GK10.

GK10 got some energetic flavor in its treble but treble overall is well behaved at the same time, even Crin thought as much.

Gk10 timbre and coherency are horrible. That doesnt change between sets. FR did.

You can tell when something ends and the other drive starts. 3 different speeds.

GK10 is my worse iem by far and I donā€™t like it besides staging and presentation. I would pick any cheap bud I own over it or stuff like mh755 . Its on a drawer because i feel bad for selling it to someone.



This is the ShellCase Store


Thank you, my dear :heart_eyes:

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My pleasure :kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

The size of the case abit big.

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My addiction is so kicking in. Please remind me I dont need more iems than my end game ones pleaseeee


unnamed (1)

You donā€™t need more IEMs other than your end game

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But i just did a thingā€¦ :joy: