"Open-Back" IEMs?

Yep, like these that come with the Toneking Dendroaspis Viridis:

(you can remove them if you want.)

Do th shure tape pro count with their slit things?

No lol, their isolation might be a bit below average for iems, but still pretty isolating.

(forget the Pro, get the Original if you want the tape though…)

Just get something tws with ambient mode, airpods pro or whatever, there are times when convenience beats all this audiophile bs

I’ve tried cycling with TWS using ambient mode and it’s not good. The mic used to reproduce the outside noise catches the wind and it’s so noisy that you can’t hear the music nor your surroundings.

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Would your helmet allow for ksc75s or maybe porta pros worn with the headband behind your head?

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Just remembered this

I’ve been thinking for the last day, maybe this is where I finally give KSC75 a try. Good call.

Do it! Totally worth a shot. The KSC75 are so good!

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Those are must haves in this hobby lol.

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Open Back? Koss KSC75s! Nuff said! Don’t ever question it! Just do it! xD


What about the bone zone? :sweat_smile:

From what I have read/heard it is actually suitable for podcasts on a motorcycle/bicycle.
I suppose it sounds like crap for music…

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I think they actually make sport version of this designed with cyclists in mind.

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I too am looking for an “open” IEM for exercising - to keep a sense of my surroundings, especially when on the street. Nothing that has been suggested so far would suit my needs.

More specifically, what I need should be

  • In-ear
  • with LOW or at least reduced sound isolation
  • under 100$

Sound quality is less of a concern, neither is BT or cabled.
The Fiio FH5s look interesting, but are sadly outside my budget. As far as I have found, these are the only one advertising reduced isolation. Are there any other ones?

I have seen some IEMs with a vented faceplate (like KZ ZAX among others), question is, does that translate to less isolation?

This here are your choices I guess.

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I think it’s really freaking hard to access to Open Back IEMs, or maybe it’s because I am not looking hard enough therefore a bit naive on the amount of IEMs like these in such category that is existing.

I think the only Open-Back IEMs that I know or saw from the video would be the Audeze iSine 10s and the Gold Planar GL20, other than that? Yes, I don’t know everything therefore I admit it.

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Some other that I know are the iSINE series, monoprice m300 and TFZ balance 7.

Edit: O yeah just remembered about some boutique planar IEM maker. Forgot what it’s called, but there’s that.

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There is also a TFZ Tequila 1.
I bought it ~year ago for I think £50, well below $100

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Tried the Zax and felt it too shouty in the treble region


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