No, it’s just that APTX LL is considered outdated. Adaptive is more than adequate for latency. And LC3 is the newer standard for very low latency.
While outdated, I am looking more at LL because it’s older and could potentially be found cheaper than something like LC3. Adaptive has around double the latency of LL so I wouldn’t really say it’s ideal only acceptable
not ideal, adaquate. Ideal would be zero latency. I’ve done A/B with them both on the FIIO btr13 with a switch using this video. It’s pretty much imperceptible. The latency on adaptive is not FIXED, so you cannot go with the raw numbers thrown out there and just assume it’s double. It’s not. There is no ‘floor’ to it. It’s less than that for sure. It’s not like video and input lag where 15ms makes a difference. It’s near impossible to tell the difference. Sorry, not trying to argue or anything, just trying to help and offer my opinion from thorough testing. I am very picky about this stuff as well. I have the option to use LL at any time with the flick of a switch, easily, I just don’t bother.
Audio latency test (audio delay test) - How to find out #bluetooth latency
This is the transmitter I use as well.
Like doing the test right now and even the difference between going from my directly wired speakers to APTX Adaptive instant switching it’s pretty much identical perceived lag.
so it looks like as far as setting up wireless headphones go… probably looking around $150 for a setup, not including the headphone or microphone then. Since with BTR you still want a good unit as well as appropriate amplification as well. The only limit I see as well in terms of consoles which is kind of stupid is that nintendo switch specifically cannot make use of modmic wireless to my knowledge… only modmic uni. Unless theres another piece of equipment that would get the wireless mic to work.
I dont recall switch really offering voice chat? I thought you had to use your phone for voice on switch, no?
Nah, the switch does have voice chats just depends on what your playing, some adapters have built in mics for the hand held as well. IIRC the switch doesn’t have a built in system for voice chat though… it’s mainly the games themselves that support it
So after a bunch of number crunching a full setup seems to come out a little over $300 with the full wireless setup, mic, and a headphone like 58x jubilee as an example… meanwhile something like astro a50x is $380 at full price… so it seems to be an interesting alternative since you can use an open back like that. Though you still lose all the typical gaming software doing that. Curious if it’s more worthwhile though to go that route or just buy the a50x and maxwell though… the two headsets are really good at what they do
The other thing I haven’t tried really is one of the dongle dac/amps to a controller but im not sure how that would go or if it’d even work
I just got this delivered an hour ago and it works great.
eppfun LE Audio Bluetooth 5.4 Audio Transmitter for TV headphons with Aptx lossless Auracast LC3 for Gaming Watching Music - AliExpress
Best LC3 transmitter I’ve tried. Paired with the Fiio BTR17. Range works throughout the whole house as well.
Sourced from Crinacle.
Wanted to toss this here cause i think it can be a fairly useful relevant resource but also pertains to my question on whether or not this could help with controller plugins on headphones or not. Ive considered getting one for my phone in passing
Thats really cheap but how does to compare to alternatives
The only other LC3 transmitter is the Creative dongle. BT-W6. IT’s good for what it is. Works for consoles like PS5 and switch too. But the range is not great because of its size.
The one I just got is working flawlessly so far. I have zero complaints. Sound quality is fantastic. Also did not realize when I bought it, but it’s also battery powered with a rechargeable battery. Does not have to be plugged in to even work.