Could be as “simple” as modifying a config file in he Lineage release that already has support for the SBC modification. But yeah, its out of reach for most people, it always has been, even just installing Lineage is an impossible task for most. But thats beside the point.
This has been known for very long time now. Apple uses Apple AAC encoder(software on macos and probably hardware one on the iphone judging by results), and Android uses Fraunhofer FDK AAC as a software solution which is second to Apple AAC + number of hardware solutions(built in the SOC) with varying levels of output quality.
Getting it out to everyone who might want it or enjoy it is beside the point? Great.
Not from that article it hasn’t, that’s gigantic and deals with a lot more things and where it touches a bit on the hardware vs. software issue it doesn’t actually clarify what the quote I showed clarifies, i.e. what example SoC brands could solve the AAC problem for you, and that you could get that benefit even independently of Android version.