Shipibo Waira Headphones

I see, yeah my foams are not as old as your old ones but starting to yellow too

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Cool ya I have ordered from both shipibo and beautiful audio a couple times each and they are both great, personable and responsive small shops… I also have a set of beautiful audio wireless cable adapters I want to use on the Hemps but havent gotten to installing them yet.


There are some cool BA adapters and I HATE the Grado cables. But I am too chicken to cut the cables. :grin:

Yeah I got them but been nervous to cut the cables cause I love the Hemps so much… Need to drum up the guts one of these days and commit by cutting that cable when I have time… :sweat_smile:

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It would be awesome to use my Hart cables with the Grado’s.
You first… :laughing:

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